La La La

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The smell of coffee brewing filled JJ's apartment as she made her way around her kitchen, two empty mugs in her hand, her skin was glowing as she caught sight of the figure sleeping on the couch, his brown hair all messy.

He had fallen asleep on the grass last night and JJ would have to if it wasn't for the sprinklers that sprung to life around midnight.

He had been to tired to drive home so JJ said it would be ok for him to sleep in her couch, and he had taken her up on her offer.

His eyes were still shut and a blanket covered his body and the only visible part of him was his head.

It was a Saturday morning, and the team had the day off but they were still on call but it meant she could do whatever she wanted.

She was grateful that Henry had slept over at his friends house, and they had offered to take him down to the water park and she had gratefully accepted it.

Humming the lyrics to her favourite song, she walked over to the couch and placed the two cups of coffee down, before taking a seat next to his sleeping body.

The soft snores he made sent shivers down her spine, after flicking on the TV and waiting for over and hour she got bored of being lonely and she yanked the blanket off him and felt her heart race when she realised he was shirtless, but then it dropped when she saw the faded scars that aligned his chest.

He let out a little gruff, before slightly sitting up his eyes widening when he saw JJ's bright blue eyes staring down at him.

"Hey" he said rubbing the back of his head as he let out a little sigh, running a hand through his short hair, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks.

"Morning" she said smiling, but she couldn't help her heart racing at the sight of his chest, "how long was I out" he asked leaning back in the couch "couple of hours" she said with a shrug and they both turned to watch the TV, an awkward but pleasant silence enveloping over them.

JJ leant back in the couch, and her head rested against his shoulder, she watched as he kept his hands inter winded in front of him, and deciding to take a risk she reached forward and gently intertwined her fingers with his right hand, feeling her skin instantly warm at his touch.

She felt him giver her hand a squeeze and her face went red, and she buried her head into his shoulder, she found it comforting and kept it there and then she heard his voice "what are we?" It was quiet and soft and she lifted her head of his shoulder and looked at him with her bright crystal like blue eyes.

"What do you want us to be?" She questioned watching as his eyes flickered up at her, "Spence" she tried again as she squeezed his hand.

"I want you to be my" he cut himself off as he awkwardly looked at the ground, his hair falling in front of his face.

"Your what?" She asked unable to stop the edges of her lips tugging upwards.

He looked at the ground, then at her, then at the ground then back at her "I want you to be my girlfriend" he said the last word very slowly almost as if he was afraid she would say no.

"Yes, Spence yes" JJ said and she felt her blood rush when he kissed the top of her head.

blacklovewhite thx for your comments I hope your liking the story ❤️❤️

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