Grasping At Straws

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Spencer Reid sat at the desk where the team sat and every single officer of the BPD was surrounding them as Hotch made the announcement.

Reid was tired his hands were shaking underneath the table, he had let this happen, he had left her alone let her be kidnapped, it was all his fault. His Uncle had been right all he does is hurt people, he had hurt her so many times but she always come back and then he turned her back on her.

He shoved his head and his hands, and shook it feeling the tears come, it had been 12 hours since he discovered the blood but nothing, there was no leads and he was ready to snap, just break down but she needed him right now.

But as time went on he feared she was dead, gone and the last thing she will remember is him leaving her, after getting extremely frustrated he stood up father angry and he started yelling "why are we all just sitting here, huh?" His voice was shaky as he ran his hands through his hair.

Everyone was looking at him but he didn't care, he was a mess he knew that but right now none of that mattered.

"Reid" Hotch said in a warning tone, "my office" and Reid nodded following Hotch to the little room hidden away from the private eye.

"Reid you need to calm down, we won't get anywhere with you getting angry" Hotch said in a dangerously low tone "how can I calm down, Hotch" Reid said, his eyes blazing, "Reid, focus" Hotch almost yelled and Reid looked at him, "Don't you get it Hotch, it's my fault she's gone, I LEFT HER" Reid said his body starting to shake, tears threatening to fall.

"Reid, he obviously had JJ picked out, none of this was your fault" Hotch said placing a reassuring hand on Reid's shoulder.

But Spencer shrugged him off, "if you aren't going to do anything I will" Reid stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

He stormed past everyone ignoring the looks "Reid" Prentiss called out but he kept going, he had to find her, he just had to there was no if.

Finally he was out, and he broke to a run hearing people shout his name but he kept going until he was securely in his car, then he folded his arms on the steering wheel tears streaming down his cheeks.

He let out a few sobs, when he heard the side door open and he could hear someone sliding into the seat but he kept his head down.

"Hey Kid" Reid immediately recognised the voice to belong to Morgan and he gently lifted his head, meeting his friends eye.

"Morgan this all my fault" Reid said tears still falling and Morgan looked at him, looked away and the looked back at him "Reid grow up, you know better than anyone that he had picked her out, he would have found her eventually but if you sit here and sulk, we ain't gonna find her so get off your ass and let's bring her home."

Reid slowly nodded and slowly he excited the vehicle, he could see Strauss standing outside the building with a raised eyebrow but he didn't care how she saw him, right now it was about JJ nothing else.


The station was quiet as everyone had gone out on leads, but Reid had stayed here he was missing something, but the question was what?

It was dark out, and Reid had pushed his emotions aside and everyone had been extremely careful not to mention her name.

Reid sat there his eyes on the board, it may of looked like he was just starting but really he was analysing the clues in front of him.

He heard footsteps behind him and he turned his head to see a tear stained Garcia standing behind him.

"I caught the first flight as soon as I heard" she whispered, and Reid nodded limply his eyes clouding, but he shook his head now was not the time to get emotional.

As Garcia slid next to him, and pulled out her laptop ready for any instruction Reid stared back at the board.

Then it all clicked, it all made sense "Where are you going?" Garcia asked as Reid grabbed his coat and started to run out the door.

"Tell Hotch to call me" he shouted and then he was gone, he figured it out, it all made sense.

Reid sat at the wheel under the dark sky as he sped along the highway his flashlights leading the way, he heard his phone buzzing and thankful for Bluetooth he clicked answer.

"Reid where are you going" Hotch shouted over the phone and Reid gave him the address "ok, we're only ten - fifteen behind you" Reid shook his head, then remembered no one could see him "I'm not waiting ten minutes Hotch, she could die by the time I get to her" he heard Hotch curse "Reid, wait for backup now that's an order" but Reid clicked end the call, ignoring him he wasn't waiting, she needed him now.

But as he sped along the deserted road, his heart started pumping again, what if he lost her? What if her never saw her again? Looked into her blue eyes, no he couldn't lose her, he had just found her he wasn't letting her slip away, not today.


JJ kicked and trashed, he was tired but she hadn't stopped fighting, her body was shaking with the terror as the dogs lunged themselves at her, that had managed to sink there teeth into her flesh more than once but she always managed to free her legs before there was serious damage, but she was tired and fear was starting to take over her defence she could feel her muscles stiffening as they came closer and closer.

She had been screaming her lungs out but she had stopped when she realised she could save more energy for her kicks.

The only thing that kept her going was Reid and Henry, she needed both of them, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fight much longer, her legs hurt with all the bites and cuts.

She could deal with the pain, she had gone through worse but it was more to the point would she ever be found, her capture just sat in his chair watching with amusement as she struggled against his pets, but he was smiling and it made her sick to think someone could ever do that.

But as she hung there thrashing around to keep her alive the questions remained.

Would he get to her in time?

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