New Begginings*Chapter 49*

Start from the beginning

"What about your parents?" he asked.

"I ran away and I doubt they even notice I'm gone."

"So you ran away to live with Drew and Kile?"

I shake my head and say, "No. I just ran away and they kidnapped me. I was their personal maid until.... Drew and me got together."

"Oh" he said, seeming to understand I'm still upset about it. "So do you want to change back into your clothes? I dried them."

I look down at the T-shirt I'm wearing and blush a little while pulling it down. "Yeah" I said.

He laughs and gets up. He goes into a small room and then comes back out with my clothes.

"Thanks" I said. I go to the bathroom and change and then find a comb. I brush through my hair and then look through the drawers. I finally find an unopened toothbrush and toothpaste. I brush my teeth and then look in the mirror. Good enough.

I walk out of the bathroom and I hear people talking.

"Told you she was fine" Kasey said as I walk into the veiw of the doorway.

"Heaven!" Jamie yelled and runs to me. She gives me a really tight hug.

"Can't breathe!" I choked out.

"Oops" she laughed and lets go of me.

"We thought you were dead!" Max said as he gives me a bear hug.

"I almost was" I said looking at Kasey.

Everyone gives me a hug and then we go to the tiny living room. I sit on the loveseat with Kasey on one side and Jamie on the other with Conner sitting on the arm next to her.

"So explain how you're still alive" Liz said from the ground. Travis, Spencer, and her decided to just sit cross-legged on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm confused about that too" Max said. Jackie and him are sitting in chairs they got from the kitchen.

I look at Kasey and then back at my friends. I turn towards them and let myself rest against Kasey'sarm. "Well I met Jared, Brian, Kasey, and these other two guys in the woods. Jared made Kasey carry me and we were running to their place. Along the way, Brian shoved Kasey off a cliff..." I trail off and don't know how to say it.

"How are you still alive?" Travis asked me.

I look to Kasey for help and he smiles. "There was a river at the bottom. I pushed her away from the edge so she didn't hit anything on the way down" he explained.

"You hit the side though?" Liz asked him.

He nods and says, "I hit a rock and it cut me pretty badly. That's when I realized Jared and Brian didn't care about me or my friends."

Liz nods and then looks back at me. "Did you get hurt?"

"Not much. I just almost drowned, " I told her. "But Kasey pulled me out of the water and then brought me back here. I was freezing and took a hot shower. Then I fell asleep. When we woke up, Jared and all of them were here and Kasey lied. he said I was dead and that he quit. They left so i called Liz. That's about it."

Jamie looks at Kasey and asks, "Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" he asked.

"Save Heaven and quit." She stares at him curiously and I smile at her cuteness.

"Umm, I didn't think she deserved to die because her friends have problems with Jared. I quit because I didn't want to be involved with them, even if I need the money" he told her.

She smiles and says, "Yeah, that's why."

I laugh along with everyone except Kasey. He just shakes his head and looks a little embarrassed.

"So are you going to stay here?" Max asked me.

I look at Kasey and he looks back at me. "I don't know" I said.

"You're welcome to" Kasey said.

I smile a little and look at Max. "I guess I am."

"So can we come see you all the time?" Spencer asked.

Kasey answers for me. "It's cool with me."

"Well this sucks" I heard Jackie say quietly.

I look over at her and laugh. "What is it Jack?" I asked her.

"Now I'm the only human who's going to be around these guys" she said.

I laugh again and say, "Well if they're ever mean to you, tell me and we'll double team on them."

She smiles and nods.

"So where's Kile?" I asked them.

"He stayed behind to watch Drew. He's been acting really weird and he almost killed a maid yesterday" Spencer said.

My eyes widen and I look to Liz. She nods sadly and looks down.

"What's his problem?" I asked.

"We don't know, but I'm getting sick of being around him. Kile is too and is thinking about kicking him out of the house to go live with his parents" Travis told me.

I shake my head and look down. Is this all because of me?

"I don't know if you want to know this, but he's also going out with Ali" Liz said quietly.

My head snaps up and now I'm pissed. "So he doesn't even officially dump me and now he's with some slutty vampire chick that I got into a fight with!?"

Liz nods and looks sympathetic.

"Well more like you kicked her ass by punching her lights out" Spencer said, smiling.

I shake my head at him and don't say anything. How could Drew be that shallow? I thought he was better than that.

Liz's phone rings and she answers it quickly. "Hello?" "Okay, we'll leave right now then." "Bye." She hangs up and stands up. Everyone else does to and she says, "That was Kile. Drew just knocked a maid out and Kile's pissed. He wants us home so we can all talk to him and tell him he has to leave."

I sigh and stand up to. "Bye guys. Good luck."

Liz smiles and gives me a hug. "A few of us will bring you your stuff tonight and tell you how it went" she said.

I nod and give everyone else a hug. Then they leave with Max carrying Jackie. I hope Drew doesn't hurt her.

I sigh and sit back down.

"So they're a funny bunch" Kasey said.

I nod but don't say a word. "None of that is your fault so don't be thinking that" he told me.

"It's hard not to" I said quietly.

"Don't beat yourself up just because he's a jerk."

I stay quiet and just think.

Kasey turns on the TV and puts on a movie. I watch it but the whole time I'm thinking about how much Drew has changed.... What happened to make him like that?

I hope you guys liked the chapter... There's only going to be a few more chapters and then I'm going to end it. Before you kill me, I'm probably going to make a sequel :D So please vote and comment! It would be appreciated. Thanks.

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