«Still Disappointed.»

Start from the beginning

"I wanted to talk to him, but I'll wait." 

It was almost midnight, but Shay couldn't go to bed without having this conversation with her father. She couldn't keep living this way, with him and her big brother ignoring her like she had never existed in their lives. She was so used of them being so close and having good times together, not to what was occurring right now. She hated it. She wanted this to end and her family to get back to what it was. 

She took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves and knocked on his man cave's door. She waited for an entire minute, that seemed to be an eternity, before he told her that she could come in. She opened the door slowly and then walked carefully in. When her father saw her face, he rolled his eyes and continued to play his video game. 

She sat next to him on the couch, "Hey..." She said with a very low voice. She was so scared to talk with him. She didn't know what was going to be his next reaction. Maybe he was going to scream on the top of his lungs, maybe he was still going to ignore her and it could happen so much more, but she had no idea on what was exactly about to happen and that was frightening her so much that she felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

He groaned as he lost his game and then turned everything off. He turned his head towards his daughter and smacked his lips, "Whatchu want ? " He asked with a harsh tone of voice. 

She instantly looked down at her fingers, "I...I-I-I-I-I'm sorry. I-I-I-I-I-I should've never done th-thi-thi-thi-this. I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm so sorry." She had never stuttered like this before. She was really scared. 

He stared at her for a moment, that seemed to be thousand years for her, before to speak again. He was so angry, "Ya disappointed me. I lost all the trust I had in ya and your brother 'cause of dat bullshit. Ya destroyed everythin' we built ta'gether just fa' dat idiot. I'on even know who ya are no more. I'on know."

She pouted, "I'm not your princess anymore ? " She was about to cry.

He shook his head, "Ya have ta' gain the title now." And that's when the water started flowing on both of her cheeks, "Get out." He added showing her no mercy.

She left with her heart even more broken. 

"Can I talk to you, please ? " Aug III looked up from his book and rolled his eyes, "Please Antho." She begged still sobbing because of what just happened with their father. 

He fixed his eyes back on the book to not look at her, because he knew that it will make him soften up, but he could do nothing for his ears. He was hearing her sobs clearly and it was harming his heart. He had always had a very soft spot in his heart for his little siblings. He could never hear or listen to them crying without doing something to stop it. He sighed standing up and nodded his head opening his arms. Shay immediately ran in them and let her brother comfort her as he had always known to do. In the worst situations, he always knew how to make it better for her. 

He was her big brother, her protector and best friend.

"Dad said that I'm not his princess anymore. I'm not his princess. It's like he hates me now. I can't continue like that. I can't see this anger written all over his face anymore. I told him that I'm sorry, but he doesn't care. He doesn't, Ant. What am I going to do now ? What am I supposed to do ? "

"Shh. He's gonna calm down, just give him some time. And no matter what he says, you will always be his princess. He loves you."

"I'm sorry for not listening when you were warning me. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay...I guess. Everybody makes mistakes."

"You don't hate me, right ? " He smacked his teeth and pinched her arm, "Ouch ! "

"Never say that again. I love you like you were my child, lil' girl. You're my little sister, I can't hate you. I'm still mad at you though." He sighed shaking his head, "If only you listened to me and stayed away from that bastard."

"I'm sorry." She repeated and then sniffed.

"I know...you're so sorry. I am too."

She looked up at him frowning, "Why ? "

"I'm your big bro and I didn't protect you enough. I should've done more to get that bastard away from you. I should've gotten him out of your life earlier. I have been way too nice."

"No, don't say that. You're a great big bro. It's not your fault, but only mine. I wanted to be stubborn and to do whatever I wanted to without thinking seriously about the consequences. I promise you, I won't date someone before a very very very long time."

"Thirty-five years old or even forty would be perfect to start dating again." He suggested making her laugh. 

"Of course." She said playfully rolling her eyes.

He chuckled and kissed her forehead, then placed his head on top of hers, "I have an idea for you to apologize to dad the perfect way."

She raised her brow, "How ? "

He smiled, "A letter. You can even make a song. I'm sure he's gonna like it. You know how his love for music is set."

"You think ? "

He nodded, "Yes. But let's relax for now, do you want to watch a movie ? "

She shrugged, "Yeah. Friday ? "

"Hell yeah ! Now be a good lil' sis' and go make me some popcorn and don't forget my kool-aid. Pronto, pronto." He clapped his hands like she was a dog.

"Actually, you're still an annoying big brother."


Let me know what you think about this chapter =)

A/N: Just to let y'all know we're already in the middle of the story. 


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