Colors of Love(the perfect stranger)

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I was an ordinary girl, I didn't do much in my day-to-day life. I would do the same thing every day, I would go out to see if I have gotten any mail and this I have, a package. So I opened it as gently as I could. I opened the last part of the package and there it was a lovely dress. It was the color of the sea. It was so beautiful. The dress was knee length. It has small pickups. It has a square neck. There was also a belt to tie it around the waist. Then I saw the little piece of folded up paper lying on the floor. I opened it up and was shocked to see what was written in the most beautiful handwriting:

I have seen you from afar and you are so beautiful I wanted to give you his lovely dress. Hopefully, in the future we can meet

Love Max

I didn't realize that my hand was shaking till after I read the note a couple of times. Who was this max? What did he want from me?

I was trying to get answers from the small note that he left. But it was no use. I would just have to deal with it. It was really nothing. He sent me one dress. But I couldn't help but feel that pair of eyes was on me at all times. I looked out the window like I always do when I have something to think about. And there he was. I mean his eye at least, They were beautiful.

They were brown but when they caught the light they had green flecks in them. When he turned back around they were a little orange I was memorized by the stranger's eyes. There must be something seriously wrong with me. I sat there for most of the day hoping that those beautiful eyes would come back. But I decided that I would watch TV again. Trying to get my mind of the perfect stranger. I studied the note over and over again. Trying to think if I knew anyone with that beautiful handwriting.

I traced my brain for those eyes. I have never seen such beautiful eyes on a person. Every time I thought about this stranger I would lose my breath. I was lost in my own little world. Wait but then the fear stroke every time what if? My brain would say. What if a lot. He could have been a murder for all I know? I pondered this many times during the day. But I couldn't think of anything that would make me want to forget him. I barely got any sleep that night as my brain tried to rack itself.

Trying to make sense of my situation. I finally came to an agreement if I got another package then I would explore this if not then I would go back to living my boring life. I finally got to sleep thinking of the man behind those eyes. It was a mystery that I wanted to know the answer so badly.

All I knew was one thing that I was already completely insane over this perfect stranger. And it was scaring me.

Colors of Love(the perfect stranger)Where stories live. Discover now