chapter 66

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Fucheng was stunned. He didn’t expect Lin Yuan to be so honest in front of his parents, even saying such things.

Lin Yue was also stunned. Lin Caicai actually admitted it directly, without even giving him a chance to deceive himself.

Moreover, his little brother is so cute and juicy, and he wants to raise him for a few more years. Now it's better, it has been completely eaten by the pig, inside and out, and it was eaten twice! Twice! !

As an elder brother, Lin Yue was heartbroken and unable to maintain his grace and politeness at all. He said angrily: "Where is Fucheng? Give Fucheng your cell phone. I want to have a good chat with him. A few words!"

With the last few words, Lin Yue became even more distressed . Said through gritted teeth.

Fucheng was right next to him and heard clearly. Facing Lin Yuan's brother, he didn't feel guilty or scared, but he was a little worried. Lin Yuan's brother was angry because of this incident and would not allow him to see Lin Yuan for the time being. This was his A real headache.

"Give it to me, I'll talk to your brother."

Fucheng was about to get Lin Yuan's phone number, but he hid for a moment, shook his head and said, "No."

Lin Yuan knew from Lin Yue's tone that he was angry. If If you give the phone to Fucheng now, your brother will definitely scold Fucheng. No, he had to protect Fucheng and prevent others from bullying him, not even his brother.

He smiled softly at Fucheng, put his arm around the young man's neck, and placed a very light kiss on his cheek: "Don't be afraid, Fucheng, I'll tell my brother, he won't scold you. "

Fucheng was stunned for a moment, a little confused. He had never been so cherished by anyone. Lin Yuan's not-so-strong body was currently standing in front of him, thin but firm, covering everything for him.

The remaining warmth on his cheeks continued to heat up, reaching the tip of his heart. It was the first time that Fucheng's heartbeat was so erratic. A wisp of red spread from his ears to his slender neck, like a fire. .

Lin Yuan didn't notice this. He leaned into Fucheng's arms and said in a clear voice: "Brother, you and Fucheng don't know each other. If you have anything to say, talk to me."

Lin Yue had already heard what his brother said, and he couldn't help but feel angry . Gang's sneer: "Yes, he and I don't know each other, but he wants to take away the most precious young master in our family. Shouldn't he ask the master for his opinion? Ah Yuan, be good and let your brother talk to him. I I won’t scold him, just have a little chat."

Lin Yuan hesitated after hearing this, and after thinking about it, he emphasized very seriously: "Then you can't scold him, not even a word, I like him very much."

Lin Yue: "...Okay."

I didn't want to curse at first, but now I have two baskets of curse words, and I want to hit the No. 1 pick in the face.

Lin Yuan felt that this was not enough, so he took the initiative to take the matter on himself: "By the way, brother, I took the initiative to have sex with Fucheng. In fact, I really wanted to do it before the college entrance examination, but I had to endure it for the sake of the college entrance examination. Lin Yue: "


Can I still want this younger brother? Can you still want it?

Lin Yuan: "Also, Fucheng is very gentle and gentle to me. I feel a little pain, but he just endures it. He is really good to me."

Lin Yue: "..."

do not talk! He doesn't want to hear how pigs eat cabbage!

While Fucheng and Lin Yue were chatting on the phone, they went to the living room. Lin Yuan was lying on the bed, rubbing 521, and said worriedly: "521, after I said so much, my brother won't scold Fucheng, right?"

[QT] The darkened villain wants me to coax him againTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang