chapter 80

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Ever since he became a human, Lin Yuan had never felt so uncomfortable. He had a splitting headache and his brain was buzzing, as if his head was going to be shattered.

It took a lot of effort to open his eyes, but Lin Yuan saw a blur in front of him. It took a long time before he could focus again.

Jiang Qian stayed with Lin Yuan every step of the way. When he saw him wake up, his anxious heart finally settled. He held Lin Yuan's hand tightly and covered his face. His beautiful eyes were filled with a layer of water. Guang: "Sui Sui, you're awake..."

The man's voice was indescribably deep, as if he was hiding a thousand words: "You're finally awake..."

521 also stayed beside Lin Yuan and saw him open his eyes. Opening his eyes, he leaned over excitedly and said: [Senior, wuwu, you finally woke up. You have been sleeping for almost a day. 】

Lin Yuan had a severe headache and was feeling dizzy. Everything he saw was blurred. Because he had not spoken for a long time, it was a little difficult to speak: "I...I feel so uncomfortable, I have a headache..."

Jiang Qian suddenly became anxious and panicked. He was in a panic and didn't know what to do. He could only call the imperial doctor waiting in the outer hall.

521 continued to rub it in and said: [Don’t worry, senior, they have scanned your brain and found that it is just a mild concussion. You may have symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. You may also have poor appetite, vomiting, or malaise. However, it can be completely relieved after resting for 7-10 days, and there will be no sequelae. 】

The imperial doctor came in, and after checking his pulse, he said: "Your Majesty's pulse is fine. The pain in this injury may have to be endured for two days. I can only prescribe some pain-relieving decoction, but it can only temporarily relieve the pain."

Jiang Qian nodded: " Then it's the doctor's fault."

After the doctor withdrew, Jiang Qian lowered his eyes and looked at Lin Yuan. His long, jade-like fingers fell on his Adam's apple and gently stroked: "Your Majesty..."

Lin Yuan was already feeling uncomfortable. , when Jiang Qian touched a place like his Adam's apple, he felt a subtle tickling. He couldn't help but snorted and said softly: "Don't touch..."

Jiang Qian's fingertips paused for a moment, then slowly The man's lips are slightly white due to not eating for a long time, and he has a pale and sickly beauty when he chuckles.

He leaned down, put his arms on both sides of Lin Yuan, and stared at Lin Yuan from a very close distance. The young man's handsome and graceful face remained the same as before, but Jiang Qian's eyes kept flashing back to the scene when the young man was bathing in blood in the main hall of Tai Chi Hall. appearance.

"Are you stupid? In order to be with me, you even risked your own life."

Jiang Qian's voice was rough and hoarse, and he said against his heart: "Even...even if you really married the princess with three matchmakers and six betrothals, I have a child with her, and I... I won't say anything. Marrying a wife and having children is the fundamental principle of human relations. It has been inherited by the Prince of Chu for hundreds of years, and it cannot really end with you. You really... really don't have to do it for me. So..."

Lin Yuan smiled softly, with the dimples on his cheeks looming: "I... just want... the two of us... just the two of us..."

Jiang Qian's eyes darkened, looking back at the light. In the shadow, there seemed to be an ink as deep as night, stirring up a dark storm in his eyes, and then swallowing Lin Yuan under a thick darkness.

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