chapter 48

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Lin Yuan thought he heard wrongly and blinked in confusion: "What did you say?"

He seemed to have heard that Fucheng, a child who was so dark to the core, was pitiful Xixi told him not to leave.

Fucheng just couldn't help himself and reacted subconsciously. Hearing Lin Yuan ask himself this, his face became inexplicably hot and his ears felt hot. The hand that grabbed the boy's clothes relaxed for a moment, then quickly tightened it, this time very firmly.

He couldn't help but be determined.

Fucheng had no choice.

He remembered what it was like when he had a family before, but he didn't want to remember such a disgusting ending.

But now the house is quiet and cold, without a trace of people. The window facing the sun can shine in the sun, but no matter how bright the sun is, it can't dry out the decay and withering in the room.

It had been a long time since Fucheng had experienced the feeling of someone beside him. When he opened his eyes, he could see someone beside him.

This person saved me and stayed with me.

He didn't seem to be alone anymore, he seemed to be getting warmer.

Fucheng looked at Lin Yuan's eyes, which were still bright and warm in the backlight. His voice was hoarse because he hadn't spoken for a long time: "Don't go."

Lin Yuan heard clearly this time, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Fucheng grabbing the corner of his clothes. hand. The hand was slender and white. Due to the exertion, the veins on the back of the hand became more and more clear, like rivers crisscrossing the snowfield.

"I'm not leaving. I just stood up and pressed the pager." After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he stood up and pressed the button of the pager.

Then, he looked at Fucheng with a smile: "Look, I didn't lie to you, I won't leave."

Fucheng's face became even hotter when he heard this, and he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, the nurse came over soon and saw Fucheng woke up and immediately went to the doctor on duty.

After a lot of fussing, Lin Yuan simply forgot about this incident. Fucheng also saw it and automatically ignored it. He just asked in a low voice: "...How do you know where I am? It's very remote there."

Of course, Lin Yuan couldn't tell the truth. He thought hard for a long time and tried to test it. He said two words spontaneously: "Passing by...?"

Lin Yuan himself didn't believe this, let alone Fucheng, but he pretended to believe it: "It turned out to be passing by, what a coincidence."

Lin Yuan said hummingly: " What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you when I passed there."

Fucheng didn't say anything else. He stared at the young man in front of him, who still looked as clean and warm as he remembered, with the dimples on his cheeks like a concave. The little nest you enter is tempting to poke and poke, and it is tempting to Fucheng.

"Were you here last night?"

Fucheng had confirmed this matter again and again last night, but he still hoped to get an accurate answer from the other party.

Lin Yuan nodded obediently: "Yes, yes, I have been here last night."

Fucheng narrowed his eyes with satisfaction when he heard this. He was on the hospital bed by the window. The large glass wall was unobstructed, letting in countless skylights. , Fucheng spread his hand, and then slowly tightened it.

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