Lock your doors

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When I was learning to drive, my instructor advised me to always lock my car doors, as soon as I get into my car. I asked her why & she told me her personal experience.

This happened almost a year after she passed her test. She finished work about 3am. She just gotten into her car & gotten her keys in the ignition, when 3 guys jumped into her car. She had a knife to her neck & was told to drive. They give her directions to an alleyway. They dragged her out of the car & raped her. After they were done with her, they left her in the alleyway and stole her car & purse. It took her awhile to get help. Police did find her car a few days later, abandoned & on fire, on the outskirts of the city. But the guys were not caught.

The reason she started to teach driving, was her way to protect other women & make sure no one else goes through, what she went through. So she advised all her female students to lock their car doors, as soon as they get in.

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