Ready Amber?

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When I was a teen I was having a sleepover with my friends and we broke out my grandmother's old Ouija board, which was absolutely ANCIENT, and were fooling around. It was me and my best friend (named Amber. This is relevant), plus a mutual sorta friend that we really only invited along because we had to, and she was really easily spooked so we were fooling around like the board was possessed and stuff.

In the midst of having fun spooking this poor girl, my bff pauses and pulls out her baggie of candy that we just bought at the corner store, which includes a sealed package of those candy message hearts (Sweethearts?). At that moment it becomes clear the other friend is seriously unsettled and we felt kinda bad, so I said something along the lines of, "If a spirit was really here it would make its presence known to us" and literally three seconds later my BFF's pack of candy hearts accidentally rips and a couple fall out onto the board. Each one of them says, "Ready Amber?" on it.

We were freaked the fuck out and never touched the Ouija again. Never found another heart with that message ever again either, and we tried, we bought those packages multiple times a week for months trying to prove that it was just a coincidence. I still have the 'ready amber' hearts saved to this day, but the years (it's been close to 20 now) have rubbed the 'paint' and the raised message off the message so it's not as clear anymore. It still freaks me out.

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