The Dog

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Alright, I'll have a go.

So, I don't know if this is exactly scary, but it freaks me out. I live close to a Walmart, so when I need to go, I just walk there. But the trail takes you behind the store, then you have to walk along the side to get to the front. There's somewhat of a forest-y area all the way around the back and side of the store. My boyfriend and I were walking one night to get some stuff for root beer floats, as we were walking up the trail, we saw a black dog sniffing around. But it was dark, and I jokingly said "What if it's some sort of creature?" And the dog whirled it's head around at that exact moment, looked at us, then took off at a speed I have never seen a dog run before. I'm talking like some The Flash shit. Weird.

So then a couple months later, my neighbor tells me she and her son had seen a creepy black dog roaming around the back of Walmart. Okay.. Couldn't be the same one, right? Just a coincidence. But then she tells me that when it spotted them, it took off at the speed of light. THEN, my boyfriend comes home in somewhat of a panic a few weeks later, and says he saw the fucking dog again. It's just weird. It's not black like a dog would naturally be, it's black in the way an absence of light would be, is the best way I can describe it. Like a void of nothingness that's dog-shaped.

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