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This happened when I was around 14, I guess? My house has a wire mesh fence bordering the garden so you can see into the neighbour's yard, and they have this adorable but not so smart, shaggy dog that sometimes barks in the middle of the night at cats. One night at around midnight, while all our curtains and blinds were drawn, she starts barking. My mum asks if we should check outside. I said, "Nah, Priscilla's just probably barking at a cat." And we both turned off the light and went upstairs to bed.

I'm actually glad I didn't look out the window because the next day, the next door neighbour's housekeeper told my mum that when she heard Priscilla barking, she looked outside and there was a man outside that very window I was standing in front of while speaking to my mum. He saw her and made a threatening motion to her that said,"If you scream, I will kill you."

We didn't see or hear anymore from that guy but it creeps me out to think someone was watching us this whole time and I just brushed it off thinking it was nothing. I check behind my curtains into the yard every time now like a paranoid hermit.

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