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This is the story of OM.

In high school I had a good friend named Steve. One day freshman year (2007ish) he told my group of friends about an odd turn of events that happened to his brother (Tim) a couple years prior. Tim went to college somewhere in New Hampshire. One night around 2AM Tim and his good friend decided they needed Dunkin' Donuts, even though the nearest Dunkin' Donuts was across state lines. I don't know much about New Hampshire's geography but I'm told this trek involved going through a narrow highway that takes them through some woods. On the way back from Dunkin' Donuts a mysterious car pulled in front of them on the highway it was a red compact car with the markings scratched off and it's only defining feature was it's license plate that had a black O and a green M (who will henceforth be known just as OM). Around this time Tim describes weird coincidences happening like his phone loosing service and the jazz station playing "Smells like Teen Spirit", but I'll admit it those could have just been weird coincidences. At this time Tim and his friend were sensing some bad juju from this guy so Tim let his foot off the gas and was happy to just let OM go off on his way. But OM wasn't done with them, as soon as Tim slowed done, OM did the same. Tim thought this was weird, but maybe if he floors it he could get around OM, but when Tim sped up so did OM.

Tim and co were freaking out at this point and had no idea what they were dealing with, but they saw a curve in the road up ahead. They saw OM go around it and they decided to just stop. Their adrenaline was pumping and they weren't sure how long they sat there, but after what felt like 20 minutes they worked up the courage to continue on their way, maybe OM would have mercy on them?

But as soon as they got around the corner OM was there. The exact same distance as they last saw him, matching their speed. OM clearly was without mercy. Tim and his friend were rightfully scared for their lives and relented to just going forward and hoping they could get out of this alive. Eventually there was a fork in the highway. One led towards the college town while the other led further into the woods. Our heroes went home while OM ventured into the unknown. Tim never saw OM again.

Epilogue 1: So I was told this story my freshman year and was convinced it didn't happen, and even my buddy Steve wasn't exactly sure of it's veracity. But around 2008-2009 I was listening to the local talk radio station while doing homework and heard a news bulletin. There was a murder in a neighboring county the previous night and the sole witness saw a car leaving the scene of the crime. She described it as a red compact car with a license plate that had a black O and a green M. I nearly shit myself. I'm in suburban Orange County California, what the fuck is OM doing all the way over here? Maybe I was just hearing things. I ran into Steve the next day at school and he heard the same report. We learned two things: 1. Neither of were crazy and 2. That OM was fucking real.

Epilogue 2: This previous May my friend Blake was on his way home from dropping off his girlfriend around 2 AM. For some reason he decided to take a highway that leads through a canyon home. While driving along a car pulls in front of him. It's a red compact car with a license plate that has a black O and green M. Blake was familiar with the stories and became rightfully scared and fell as far behind OM as OM let him. When they reached near the end of the canyon OM did a U-Turn and went back while Blake continued home to change his pants and sleep.

That is all I know about OM. I'm thoroughly convinced he's a cross country serial killer who crosses state lines to confuse the police, but I admit it's only conjecture.

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