The House

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When I was about 8 or 9, my family lived in a house in a little hidden neighborhood on a cul-de-sac. It had a HUGE backyard but there was a rusted out trailer (the flat kind you use to tow dirt bikes and what not) in one corner of the yard. That area of the yard always gave us the creeps so we never went over there - neither did our dog.

My two younger sisters shared a room but they would come sleep in my room every once in a while because they said there were weird lights in their room. My parents passed it off as the streetlights bothering them.

One night, I woke up to this weird feeling of anger. It was like when you're standing next to someone that is murderously pissed at you. There was a shape of a person standing in the doorway and a single red glowing light like the cherry of a cigarette. Both my parents smoke so I thought it was one of them.

I sat up and said "Mom? Dad?" but there was no response and then the figure and the red light were gone. I pulled the covers over my head as quickly as possible and made myself into a tight little ball.

Then there was a tug at the blankets at the bottom of the bed. I pulled the blankets back and there was another tug. I was terrified and unable to move so I just held on to the blankets as hard as I could. The tugging stopped but I was frozen with fear. Eventually, I fell asleep again.

When I asked my parents about it in the morning, both of them said they were asleep the entire night and it must have just been a nightmare.

Fast forward some 20 years - I used to have nightmares about the house but especially the corner of the garage-turned-den which looked like a black hole in my dreams. It was a one story house but I used to have dreams of running down stairs into the den where I knew if I went close to the black hole that something evil would get me. I also had dreams about other houses in the neighborhood being evil and if I went to them for help that I would die.

My younger sister and I were talking about the house with our mom one night and she described having almost the exact same nightmares - but we had never spoken about it before. In her dreams, she would run down the stairs into the kitchen where the cupboards would be opening and closing by themselves. There would also be a man standing in the den near where I would see the black hole. Needless to say, all three of us were pretty creeped out.

I've been by the house a few times and still get this eerie feeling when I come into the neighborhood. Maybe it was built on an Indian burial ground....

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