Door Knob

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The only time I was extremely creeped out was this one time staying at my parent's house. It was 2009, and I was visiting my parents during a break from college. Anyways, they had moved into this house the year after I left to go to school, and it always kind of creeped me out. Pretty big compared to where they were moving from, 4 bedrooms, 2  bathrooms, 2 car garage.

Anyways, I was napping downstairs in the living room on the couch. It was around 1 pm, incredibly sunny outside. I woke up to the sound of a door knob jiggling upstairs. The doors for the rooms in this house had those doorknobs that you push in and turn to lock. My dad, being the guy he was, had locked himself in the bathroom a few times before since he had never seen these kinds of door knobs before (to much comedic effect and frustration on his part).

Anyways, the fact that it had woken me up was one thing, I'm a fairly heavy sleeper. I assume that my dad came home from work for a break since it's about a 10 minute drive from the house, and go upstairs saying I'll get him out. The weird thing is that none of the doors were locked upstairs, and nobody was there, all the doors were wide open. I got a little creeped out, but chalked it up to a dream, or imagination. I go back downstairs, turn the tv on, and pretty much promptly fall asleep again. I wake up again, this time I know I heard the knob upstairs jiggling violently, it was loud enough that It was above the white noise from the tv. I immediately get creeped out, call both my parents from my cell phone to make sure they had come home early from work. Both of them were still at work. I sat for a second, tv off, completely silent, thought about checking upstairs... and NOPED the hell outta there.

It's the only time I've been incredibly creeped out at like 2 o'clock on a Saturday afternoon.

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