Polaroid Camera

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Once when i was a kid (10-11) my great-grandfather was getting pretty near death because his wife had died about a month of so before, so we all new. Anyway, he kept telling everyone that he was seeing weird things and no one believed him... they just wrote it off to his old age. So him being the way he was, took out his Polaroid camera and started taking picture of things around his house. Most of them didn't turn out but one did... this has also burned in my memory. I was a picture of the tv (which was turned off) and it looked like a shadow on the screen but it clearly wasn't. It looked a lot like a person but had 4 distinct fingers that were pointed at the end of both arms and I shit you not, had a "halo" over its head. It was weird though because it wasn't how they're always depicted in movies and stuff. It was almost like a horseshoe but it went from shoulder to shoulder and had perfect triangles inside. The head was turned completely sideways to the right so you could see its outline. My entire family saw it (my aunt said "it looks like a moster!" which i'll never forget). Later on we asked my grandmother where the picture was, assuming she wouldn't be insane and throw it away, and she completely denied the whole thing. She kept saying she didn't know what we were talking about... I can probly draw a picture of it if it anyone wants.

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