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So I'm laying in bed at my then girlfriend's house while she and her room mates are at class. I was hungover and it wasn't unusual for me to stay over or chill around the house.

Anyway, she has a little Pomeranian and her room mate/cousin has a chihuahua (sp? I have no idea). They start going freaking bonkers in the hallway. Like panicked yelps. It was enough to concern me, so I get up to check what was going on.

I should say I'm 6'1 and very muscular/athletic. I'm in my boxers. Anyway, I open the hall door and these two pretty hood looking dudes are holding the dogs down trying to shut them up.

I didn't really know what was happening. For a second I thought maybe they were her friends? I don't know so I just say, "What's up?" In a rather harsh manner (it surprised me how mean/aggressive I sounded).

Anyway, the dudes fucking bolt. I stepped back and shut the bedroom door and kinda stood there processing that they were burglars. I looked out the window of her bedroom and saw that Pomeranian trotting around outside. I kinda gather myself and open the door and check around the house. They were gone. Her neighbors had the Pomeranian, but the chihuahua was gone. Her cousin and her cousin's boyfriend found the pup later unharmed.

Tl;dr dudes break into my girlfriend's house. They ran off. Thankful I wasn't shot or stabbed.

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