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Very creepy story here. Haunted me well into my teenage years.

Okay, so I was about 11 or 12. My parents had just gotten separated and were filing a divorce. They sold our house, and my mother and I moved onto a farm a few miles up the road onto a random dirt road nobody knew existed. It was called Mitchell Road, and was named after the late farmer who owned the land.

To add perspective, the road is about a mile long, winding and up-hill through dense NY forest. About a half mile up the road is a pond, and then a very nice house with amazing bushes and a great yard. Another half mile up the hill, there is a large horse farm with a barn and house to the right. To the left was our house, a restored barn, attached to a huge yellow 2 family farm house with 2 families living in it. Along the little driveway is a large trailer to the right, just past the houses, and a place where cows used to be slaughtered. After that is another house with a family. Keep going, and there is a half mile long driveway leading to our landlord's home, buried in dense wilderness.

It was a creepy place to live, honestly.

Anyways, my bedroom was the upstairs, and I had a window overlooking the road leading up to our house, and all the fields below. There was a huge Crucifix erected in the field, which we thought was kinda odd. It is normal-ish in our area though. There are lot of holy rollers in the tri-state area, and especially in my town.

Well, one night, about a week after living there, i'm woken up by a pulsating glow in my bedroom. I thought the house was on fire, but i also saw the shadows of trees in my room so i put two and two together and realized the light was behind the trees in our backyard. I go up to the window, and what i see is the creepiest fucking thing i've ever seen. The cross is fully lit, and it exposed the surrounding area with light. There were small fires around the cross, and outside of those fires i saw things moving about. It took me a moment to focus on the shapes, but what I later made out to be people on horses with black robes and pointed hoods. I could see them now, as they were riding in the light of the fire. I don't know what happened next, because I apparently just blacked out and collapsed back into my bed, which was under the window.

I was woken up in the morning for school, by my mom, and did not forget what i saw. I looked back out the window, and the cross was still there, but was smoking. It was made out of a metal i think. It is white or silver with blue trim. You could see the smoke coming off the area still, as the fires had not yet burned out. (after school that day i observed the horse tracks in the ground, and found several empty liquor bottles) It was all fucking weird. I told my mom, and we immediately peaced the fuck out of that place. She put me in therapy for a few weeks just to make sure I was okay. I'll never forget what I saw... it was just all so fucked up.

If any of you want to look up the address of this place to confirm everything, it is 131 Mitchell Road, Hoosick Falls, NY. You may be able to see the approx. 25 foot tall cross. It is behind the row of houses, next to the pond in the open field. There is also some creepy shit in the woods across from the house down the road from the others. It is some sort of greenhouse type structure with furniture and taxidermy, wrapped in plastic. I went in one day adventuring around, and was immediately met by a strange man I never saw before, who didn't live up there. He was wearing clothes you would expect someone from the 40's to wear, and looked about 100. He shouted "Hey, kid! You're not supposed to be in here! It's posted property! Get the HELL out, NOW!". Scared the hell out of me so I ran home and didn't tell anyone because my mom might get mad at me for causing mischief.

This is only the second time I've actually revisited these experiences as it was traumatizing to me. The first was in therapy.

Recently, a young couple was in a fatal crash on the road. They crashed at around 5 am, it was confirmed, and nobody found them until a day later, and it was too late. They weren't from the area, and nobody knew who they were or why they were there. Their family didn't know why either.

Really eerie shit has always gone down on that road, as far as I know. The older couple in the really nice house down the road worked in my school, and I once talked to the woman (school nurse) years later, when I was in high school, about how weird it was up there. She said "Yeah, well old man Mitchell was an occultist years ago, and had a family of 25 including multiple wives, who would often perform sacrifices next to the cross, and rituals every full moon.". Most likely, the family still does this, and this is what I believe I witnessed

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