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I have a few stories that have happened to family members but not me.

This happened to my parents, but I don't know the full story. Once we lived in a really big house, quite old and definitely felt haunted to me. I was about 8 or 9 at the time I think. Anyway, they all went out one night and me and my brothers were at the babysitters. When my parents were coming home with their friends, they pulled into the drive-way and all four of them swear to this day that they saw a figure standing in the top window. They searched the house but found nothing, no sign of forced entry, no unlocked doors, no open windows, nothing. They didn't tell us at the time, but waited until we moved out. I would NOT have slept in that house if I'd known.

Another one that my mum swears is 100% true. She used to live with her best friend and things kept moving around the house all the time. All the teddies from the bedroom would miraculously appear on the stairs overnight, a really old rusty fork would appear in the cutlery draw regardless of how many times they put it in the black bin. They were adamant that the house was haunted, but they never did anything about it or it didn't bother them. They even named the "ghost" Lesley...

Anyway, in the same house (but not the same story?). Just after my mum met my step-dad, she bought him home to the shared house with her friend. He was staying the night and they were watching TV on the sofa. I'll just add that neither of my parents believe or disbelieve in spirits/ghosts, but they do think there is something (not God, or anything religious). So back on topic, my step-dad apparently got up to go to the toilet upstairs and saw a man standing on the stairs. He didn't freak out or anything, and what I know from the story, maybe they'd been drinking so he might have thought he'd imagined it. He went back and told my mum and he described the "figure" he'd seen. The weird part is, he described to a tee, my granddad who had died a few years prior. He'd never seen any photos of him and had no idea what he looked like, so that's pretty weird.

Another one, a few years ago, (sorry i'm getting carried away, there's a lot of spiritual stories in my famalam) my step-dad was driving at night and he has to pass a graveyard to get to our family home at the time. He said as he was driving up the hill past the graveyard, he saw a woman standing at the side of the road. As he got closer, he noticed that she looked slightly odd. He described her as "not having a face" but i'm not sure I believe that. Maybe he was just tired because he'd been driving for a while. He then went on to say that as he drove past her, he looked in his mirror a split second later and she was completely gone. Now I know that road, and I know that if she was to run or go anywhere he would have seen her.

I'm so sorry for the long post, but I have more!

My cousin (like 3-4 at the time) used to wake up in the night talking to someone. My aunt would go in and ask who he is talking to and he would always say that he was talking to his granddad (the same granddad as above). I know it's not that creepy or scary, but it scares me.

My little brother also reckons that he saw my granddad when he was younger. He's still pretty young atm, so it's not like he has to think back far. This is my little brother who also claimed that when he went to sleep at night, he would become a fireman in another life and go out and save people. Fair enough for a small child with an imagination, but the details are just so definite and precise that it's quite scary...

Anyway, I think my brother is possessed. We were once playing Eye Spy and he said "Something begining with A." and me and my mum couldn't guess for about 5 minutes so we gave up. He then said "Ambulance." FTR, there were no ambulances anywhere near us at the time (we were in a car, driving.) and he just said "there will be soooon." in a weird creepy voice. Literally about 3 minutes later two ambulances drove past us with their lights flashing and sirens on, then my brother just said "told you so." as if nothing weird had just happened... Maybe he has really good hearing, maybe he's the devil.

Another similar story about my younger brother, a few WEEKS later, (he was about 6-7 at the time btw) once again me, my mum and him were in the car driving somewhere. My brother told my mum in a matter-of-fact way "Don't go on so-so road." and my mum just laughed, followed by my brother saying "Don't, there is an accident." Me and my mum looked at each other (I would have been about 14-15) with "wtf" looks. Anyway, mum put on the radio and about 10 minutes after this conversation, what do you hear? "Stay off so-so road, there is an accident bla bla" news story. The bizzarre thing is that this actually happened AFTER my brothers little story-telling session. Sppoookkkyyy.

Anyway, call it what you want. My family is weird. Both of my brothers missed their due dates and were both born on Friday 13th (April and November) and I was due on October 31st but came 10 days early (Yipee for nearly RL cake day :D) Soo yeah.

It's nice to tell these stories, because my boyfriend thinks it's all bull, but me and my mum like to share stories like this hence why I know everything that's happened to her. Nothing spooky has happened to me yet though :( Just an extra note, my mum now thinks that my gran who died just over a year ago, is around her all the time. My mum used to be able to see Aura's but hasn't really for a few years now. I made a documentary over a year ago about paranormal investigators one of them, who "sees and speaks to ghosts" told me that I'm being followed by a woman who has recently died. Nan, you there? :)

tl;dr - family is possessed, brother is the devil, granddad is haunting the family.

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