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I have a handful of personal stories more on the paranormal side of things, like seeing what I'd call apparitions and feeling unexplainable things multiple times. My sister and I experienced a lot when we were 10-15 or so, since both of our bedrooms were in the basement-like lower level of the house and that's where a lot of the activity seemed to occur.

I'll tell you a story from when I was about 12 years old, at a friend's birthday party. Her house was very large, multi-story, and we had about eight preteen girls together. Her parents generally stayed out of our way. Well we decided to play hide-and-seek in the dark. I was already pretty leery about this idea, being afraid of the dark anyway (still am, actually) and I told my sister how I felt and she seemed to feel the same way. We got a weird vibe from the house and didn't like it. Anyway.

So all the girls run off to hide, and I am one of them. Being a scaredy cat (and apparently not the only one) a couple of us decide to hide in our friend's closet, all together, since the best way to win the game is obviously to pack together and giggle a bunch. The closet's the kind that stretches the length of a wall, with two sliding mirror doors. We open up one end and I go in first, scooting all the way to the other side to make room.

We all get in and shut the door, and we stand in silence for a few minutes. Then I feel a hand press into my back. It was such a distinct feeling, not like a clothes hanger or anything, and it happened suddenly. It stayed for a few seconds, then left. It was so real-feeling that I actually wasn't scared at first, then I reached out to feel for whoever touched me and no one was there. I asked "guys?" and all the others replied, from the opposite end of the closet. I bailed on the game completely after that and only really told my sister.

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