The mother and two children

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This is probably going to be buried but I have two.

The first is when I was younger we lived in a apartment complex which my mother managed, the day before halloween she was telling us all a scary story about how two little boys and their mom died above us (vacant apartment) and how if you listen closely you can still hear their footsteps running up and down the hallway.

Well at that very moment what do we hear? The sound of running upstairs. The look on my mothers face was pure terror, so she called the cop that patrols the neighborhood and one of the on duty maintenance guys and they went into the apartment.

Turns out a a homeless mother had slipped in through an opened window with her two children and had been living up there for sometime.

And my mother never told another ghost story again.

Second: Different complex which my mother managed, i'm a bit older now. She was going through vacant apartments to check if anything needed to be fixed/switched out before showing them. I went with her as no maintenance guys were working that day. So we go through a few apartments and all is normal. Until we get to one where the door just opened, no need to turn the knob. The lock had been broken. I chopped chalked* it up to neighborhood kids and didn't think anything of it. I stood in the living room area looking outside while my mother went to the master bedroom; then I heard her scream.

So I sprinted back there as fast as I could and there in the closest is a girl pale as snow, half naked and nails dug into the wall. My mom tells me to go get help, so I turn to go to the main office to get the security guard and what do I see? A guy about 6'3 running out of the kitchen where I had been standing next too, I chased him for about 400-500 feet before I lost sight of him.

Girl was in the middle of being sexually assaulted when we walked in.

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