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 My wifes family owned cabins along the Delaware river that the whole family would use at different points. We were up there with her cousin and his wife who are about the same age as us. They get into a fight and her cousin goes on a walk to cool down while the rest of us are hanging out at the cabin. A few hours go by and my wife and her cousins wife are getting worried about him so they ask me to go check on him before it gets dark. I walked down the dirt road that all of the cabins were on which is about a mile long looking for him with no luck. At the edge of the dirt road is a nature preserve with hiking trails. I walk a few feet in and call out for him, and off in the distance I hear a voice say "here". So I go in a little farther and call out again asking him to come back and all I hear is "here" off in the distance again. So I'm a little pissed at this point and start walking down the trail where I hear the voice calling, and as I keep calling it starts to get a little closer. By then it was close to sunset and starting to get dark, so I yelled out one last time to come back to the cabin, and then I hear "you come here". I'm getting freaked out because of the darkness so I turn around and head back to the cabin figuring he's an adult and can take care of himself. When I get back to the cabin he is sitting there, and they can see the look of astonishment on my face. I tell them about what just happened and we sit there and wonder about if I would have found the source of the voice who was trying to lead me into the woods at night.

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