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This is a genuine story of an experience that happened to my family almost thirty years ago.

Back then, when she was three years old, my cousin had an imaginary friend called Bobby.

My cousin would play and talk with Bobby for ages at a time. She also did other strange stuff like insisting that Bobby had a place set at the dinner table at mealtimes and having a cushion on the floor next to her own so that Bobby could sit and watch telly with her.

My aunt, although getting increasingly uneasy, just went along with it for a week or so. However she put her mind at rest after consulting some child rearing books from the local library which told her it was just a normal childhood phase her daughter was going through and so she stopped worrying about Bobby.

A few months later during the winter my uncle had not long started a new job that involved shift work. This meant that this particular evening he was working a night shift and this left my aunt and my cousin alone in the house themselves.

It got to be my cousin's bedtime so my aunt took my cousin upstairs and got her ready for bed. As was now usual my cousin asked my aunt if Bobby was also to go to bed which my aunt just went along with it and replied that yes Bobby was to go to his bed as well.

After getting my cousin changed they went through to her bedroom, read my cousin (and Bobby of course) a bedtime story, tucked her (and Bobby) into bed, kissed her goodnight and finally my aunt was finished her motherly duties for the evening and it was time to relax and wind down.

My aunt left the bedroom and started to go back down the stairs to have a cup of tea and watch some telly.

My aunt had just reached the bottom of the stairs when my cousin shouted from her bedroom that my aunt had forgot to turn the bedroom light off (she would normally sleep with her bedroom door open and the hall light on).

Sighing my aunt turned around and started back up the stairs.

Just as she got to the top stair she saw the light go off in my cousin's bedroom.

My cousin then shouted "It's okay Mummy, Bobby turned it off".

My aunt rushed into the bedroom a split second after my cousin shouted this and my cousin was still all tucked up in her bed.

As the light switch at that time was too high up on the wall for my then three year old little cousin to reach and was on the opposite side of the room to the bed next to door my aunt just froze in the doorway for a few seconds not knowing what had just happened or what she should do.

My aunt (now freaking out inside her head but trying not to show it) decided just to act normally and said goodnight again to my cousin and then went very quickly back downstairs and immediately phoned my uncle at his work.

She sounded so terrified on the phone that my uncle asked his supervisor if he could leave work early due to an emergency at home.

I remember when my aunt told me about this incident she said that while she was waiting for my uncle to get home that she was so frightened that she didn't think she could have went back up to the room even if the house had went on fire.

The next morning my aunt sat down with my cousin and had a conversation that ended with her telling my cousin that she shouldn't play with Bobby again. My cousin said that Bobby was upset about this and wanted to stay. My aunt lost her temper and said Bobby had to leave and that was the end of it.

A few days later as my cousin had not spoken to or mentioned Bobby since that conversation my aunt casually asked my cousin over lunch what had happened to Bobby.

My cousin looked up at her mother and replied with a question that chilled my aunt.

"What is a bitch mummy?"

My aunt asked her where she had heard such a word and she shouldn't to say a word like that.

My cousin replied, "that's what Bobby said when he left mummy, he said he was leaving because of the bitch".

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