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When I was 15, I was followed everywhere by two men in two gold Dodge Intrepids, of different years. One of them was a man in his early 30's, with dark hair and a mustache, and the other was a man in his 60's, with white hair. I have no idea what their height or weight was, because I only saw them sitting down. For about the first month, I thought I was going nuts, because no one else had seen them firsthand. Then, I was walking with my boyfriend one day, and the older man was just circling in his car. I pointed him out and kept a running tally of how many times he turned around to drive back past us. After the same car with the same driver had passed us 15 times in a 6 block area, he started to believe me. Mind you, it was creepy, but not terrifying. They never came to my house directly, never spoke to me directly, never tried to approach me (at that point), but I could not leave my house without being followed by one or the other of them. My mom saw them, my adopted mom saw them, my brother, boyfriend, most of my friends and even the police saw them. Then, one night, in the winter, I had a fight with my mom. Not thinking, I take off out the door at 1 a.m. to go clear my head. I make it about three blocks and presto, there's the dark haired man in his car. At this point, I got scared. There was no one else on the road, I had no cell phone, I had no weapon...just me and this guy. Knowing the area like the back of my hand, I started running back towards home, ducking between houses and into back alleys. Every time I would emerge from the shadows, he was there in his car. He just kept getting ahead of me. I made it home, and something in me just broke. It had been almost a year at this point. Every single move I made was watched. Every time I left the house, every time I went to a store, every single thing I did was watched by two men that I didn't even know. I made up my mind right then that if they were going to kill me or rape me, we might as well just get this over with. The following day, the older man was following me again, and he pulled up right in front of me at an intersection and just sat there and smiled. I lost it. I threw myself at the car, trying to put my elbow through the driver's side window. He just laughed, waved and drove off. Leaving me in the middle of the street screaming after him, "If you want me motherfucker, I'm right fucking here! Come and get me!"

After that they backed off a little bit. They would still follow, but they gave me more space. They only approached me once, the following spring, when the older man asked if I would like a ride. I declined and they seemed to taper off after that.

I still remember every detail. The younger man drove a 1999 gold Dodge Intrepid. The older man drove a 2002 or 2003 gold Dodge Intrepid and had a MI tag of NJA 328. They followed me for fifteen months, only made direct contact once, and to this day, I don't know who they were or what they wanted, or when they might come back. Yes, 12 years later, I am still worried about them coming back.

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