Chapter 51: Tough Conversations Continued

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"Fatima, don't you want this to be our life? Waking up next to each other. Having sex whenever, wherever, all day, and all night. Have a little Zac or Fatima. Building a life together. I mean once these three years are up, we can live wherever you want; Atlanta, LA, Texas, Hawaii; you name it, it's up to you. I just want to give you the world."

They locked hands.

Fatima started spilling her heart out. "I've been doing a lot of thinking. I talked to your parents before I came here. I even got emotional thinking about the miscarriage, and about what kind of wife and mom I would be. What kind of life we could have together? What kind of life I would have without you?"

"And what did you come up with? I ain't gone lie, Fatima, I don't want to be without you. I'm not excepting half of you either. It's either all or nothing."

There was a long silence that filled the room.

"Zac, can you promise me you won't ever cheat on me? That is a huge deal breaker for me and no offense, but I'm not as forgiving as your mom."

"I promise, I won't cheat on you. After what my dad did to my mom, I wouldn't dare do that to any woman, especially you."

"Pinky promise."

"Pinky promise."

"Then let's do it. Let's elope." Fatima blurted.

"What? Are you serious? Without our friends and family?"

"We can have a wedding later. When we have more time to plan."

"Are you talking about living here, in Seattle with me, or in Atlanta?"

"Here, with you."

"What about your job?"

"Umm, I can find a job here. We live here for the 3 years and then move back to Atlanta."

Zac gives Fatima the biggest kiss. "Are you sure?"

"I'm 1000 precent sure."

"So, let's go do it. I'm not letting you get out of this one."

Fatima giggles. "Well, I'm here until Friday."

"We can fly out to Vegas."

"Well make it happen, captain. I'm starving. Let me go whip up some breakfast."

While Fatima was downstairs, Zac made a few phone calls and then went to the kitchen.

"What are you making?"

"You didn't have much in the fridge, so I made a frittata. What's up?"

"My boy is letting us use his private jet. We could leave tomorrow morning. It'll take two hours."


The Next Morning

The two boarded the jet. 5 hours later they reached their destination.

They were in Atlanta. After a long discussion, the couple decided not to elope. Instead, Fatima had 6 weeks to plan a wedding.

Zac had 8 weeks left before football camp. The wedding would be on that Saturday before Memorial Day.

After Fatima got settled back home, she texted Andi. She couldn't get married without her Maid of Honor by her side.

Fatima: Hey, Andi. Are you busy today? Can you meet me at the nail shop? We need to talk.

Andi: Sure. I am free after work. I get off at 3 pm.

Fatima: Cool. See you then.

The two haven't spoken in about a week. They never go more than two days without talking.

Once Andi got off work, she went straight to their nail shop. She didn't have a clue what she wanted to discuss, but she missed her friend.

"Hey T, how have you been?"

"I've been great. How about you?" The two got the awkwardness out of the way.

"Do you know what color you want?" Fatima asked.

"Yes, white."

As they waited for the nail tech they decided to talk.

"I wanted to first talk about the Shari situation. Look we're grown. You can be friends with whomever you want to be friends with, but I don't want to make friends with her though and I don't know if I ever will. All I ask is that you don't bring her up to me and me to her. Don't try to push us to be cool. I don't need her to know any of my business. I mean it, Andi. I better not find out you're playing both fields."

"Of course not."

Fatima knows that her friend Andi is not messy and doesn't mean any harm. She just wants everyone to get along, but Fatima isn't ready to mend a friendship with Shari.

"The other thing is are you available within the next 6 weeks? I need a maid of honor."

Andi was shocked. "So, you guys are going to finally get married?"


"Ooh, I'm so excited."

"Well we don't have much time. Zac said I can do whatever I want. He just wants to pick out his tux and his groomsmen." Mentioned Fatima.

"What about a budget? Did he give you one?"


After they got their pedi and mani, Fatima went to visit Madea and let her know the news about the wedding.

"Isn't it a tradition that the bride's parents, supposed to pay for the wedding and the groom is supposed take care of you for the rest of your life?" Madea inquired.

"Yes, but Zac and I was going to pay for it."

"I've actually been saving up for your wedding." Madea admitted.

"I didn't know that."

"It wasn't for you to know."

"Madea, how about you save it for retirement."

"Girl this is your money. I'm good." Madea snapped. 

"Well what if I didn't get married?" Fatima was curious.

"If you didn't get married by 35, I would have gave it to you to purchase a house. So I want you to save whatever money you have and let me pay for it. Zac can buy you a big house.

"How much is it?" She asked.


"Ok, I can work with that. You do know I will be moving to Seattle for three years."

"Ok, good. Bye."

"Ma Dea!" Fatima sputtered.

"Chile it's time for you to live your life with the man of your dreams. Stop staying behind for me. I know that's what you keep trying to do."

Fatima started crying.

Madea continued. "I did a great job raising you. I'm proud of myself, I'm proud of you, and I know your mother is too. You're smart, you're beautiful, and you have a good head on your shoulder. Got your Master's degree. You don't have to want for anything. Now you're about to marry a fine young man. My job is done. Just make me some beautiful great grand babies."

The two hugged each other.

"I love you Ma Dea."

"I love you too."

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