Chapter 48: Venting

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"Hey to you too Cuz." Madam sarcastically stated.

"Hey! Is this why you've been ignoring everyone's calls? Your mom has been worried sick about you and so have I." Fatima sounded worried.

"Is that what you drove over here for, to badger me; looking like a hot mess?"

Fatima had on some joggers, t-shirt, sneakers, and no makeup. Her braids from the trip were tossed in a messy ponytail. She was still cute, but not what Madam is used to.

Fatima felt a little embarrassed. "I came to talk to you and to check on you. I'm not trying to look cute."

"Look I have a club to run in about 30 minutes. How about I come over in the morning?"

"Don't play with me Madam, it's obvious we both have some things to discuss."

"Ok Mama T. I'll be there bright and early. Well around 10. Have me some breakfast ready." Madam walked Fatima out of the club, and they said their goodbyes.

The next morning, Fatima got up and made some breakfast for them. She visited her local grocery store last night after leaving the club. She made a vegetable omelet, pancakes, and sausage.

Around 10:15, Madam arrived.

"I honestly thought you was going to stand me up."

"Whatever." Madam rolled her eyes as she walked in.

Fatima fixed their plate and sat down at the bar. After saying grace, they both said in unison. "You go first!"

"I think you should go. Looking at that scar on your face, you look like you might be in trouble." Fatima concluded. And don't give me that tough girl act."

"Anyway. Someone tried to rob me a few weeks ago when I was leaving the club. I fought them off me, but one of them ended up cutting me with a pocketknife."

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? How many of them was it? Did they take anything? Do you call the cops? Is that why you up security?" Fatima asked a million a one questions.

"Yes, but I should have had more way before then. Tommy can't handle this club by himself. It was two and no they didn't take anything. Luckily I had my gun."

"Where was Tommy when this happened?"

"He was inside locking up"

"Did you call the cops?"

"Hell naw, for what? So the cops could raid my club?"

"So, you didn't want anyone to see your face like that, that's why you've been hiding from us?"

Madam didn't say anything, but of course Fatima was right.

"You could at least picked up the phone and let us know you were okay."

"T, do you know how hard it was to even come back to work? I shut the club down for a week, and you know how I am about my money."

Fatima sympathized for her cousin. "I'll let Madea and Aunt Cora know you're fine and that you've just been busy."

"Thanks, cuz. I promise you I'm fine now." Madam assured her.

"Look you might act like you're the big, bad cousin, but you know I don't play about you."

"Anyway, enough of that mushy shit. What's up with you?" Asked Madam as they finished up their breakfast.

"How much time do you got?"

"You know I only work at night, so I'm good."

They walked to the living room to have a seat.

"So, T what's been going on?" Madam inquired.

"First of all, did you know Andi is talking to Shari again, and wants me to forgive her?"

"I'd be side eyeing Andi right now. All that mess that Shari put you through." Madam said.

"Are you saying that I shouldn't be friends with her anymore?"

"No, I'm not saying that, but you need to have a conversation with her, let her know how you feel. I don't think you should tell Andi who to fuck with but either Shari is using her, or Andi is being shady."

"Hmm, I don't know." Fatima was deep in thought.

"Hold on, let me take this call." Madam got up and went to the kitchen to handle an important phone call.

When she returned, they continued the conversation.

"I guess the other thing and Zac broke up."

Madam's mouth dropped. "Are you serious?"

"Would I play about something like that?"

"No, but what happened?"

"I told him I wonted to get married, but I wanted to stay here in Atlanta."

Madam grabs her purse and walks off.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not about to sit here and listen to you sabotage the relationship again and again. If you want to stay a lonely cat lady all your life, then so be it."

"Madam! Can you sit back down?"

"Fatima Renae Wilson, I'll saying this because I love you. You cannot keep letting your mother leaving you as your way of thinking everyone that loves you will leave you. The reason your mother ended her life was something you, I, or anyone can understand. You have a lot of people that are in your life for a long time, and you can't get rid of us. Aunt Madea, my mom, dad, me, Andi, Zac. We love you unconditionally. I just don't get it. You just keep pushing this man away."

"It's not that Mimi. I don't know what it is."

"How long would you have to be in Seattle?

"3 years."

"Y'all need to compromise. Talk to my parents. Believe me they will give you a good old Christian counseling."

"And then what about my career?" Fatima questioned.

"What about Zac? You can get another job pertaining to your career. Shoot you probably wouldn't have to work if you ask me."

"I don't know. I'm scared that I'm going to lose myself with him. I want to be a mom. I want to be a wife, but I still want to be Fatima Wilson."

"Have you talked to him about it? I feel like Zac is an understanding guy." Madam mentioned. "Fatima, do you see a life with Zac? A family with him?"

"Yes and yes." She answered.

"Well then go and get your man. Your mother would smack you right now if she knew you were about to let this good man go. No for real talk to my parents. You know they look at you as the daughter they wish I was."

"Don't say that, Mimi. They do not."

Madam didn't say anything.

"How about this, we go to your parent's house together. I can talk to them and they can see you for themself."

It took Madam a few minutes to respond. "Okay, okay, okay. But you need to talk to Zac too."

"How about tomorrow?" Asked Fatima.

"Sure." Madam said goodby and left.

Fatima picked up her phone to call Zac, but it went straight to voicemail.

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