Chapter 47: Lovers or Friends

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They went over to the couch to watch a movie.

"I finally got the movie Friday; would you like to watch it?" Zara had never seen the movie before so she told Calvin they would watch it together the next time he's around.

"Aww shucks!" Calvin is a big Chris Tucker fan and has seen the movie multiple times.

They sat, watched, and laughed until it was over.

"Would you like any dessert?" she asked him.

"If it's you." he teased.

Zara looks back and smirks. She goes to the freezer to grab the dessert and plate it. Then returns to the living room.

"Is that ice cream?"

"Just a little brownie and ice cream."

"Thank you." He took the dessert. "Here let me feed it to you."

Before she could say anything, ice cream was on her lip.

Zara was shocked. "Ooh." She hit him on the leg.

"My bad." Calvin laughed and continued to flirt with her.

A few seconds later he did it again, but this time the ice cream fell in her cleavage.

They locked eyes.

"Are you just going to leave it there?" She asked in a tantalizing tone.

That was his moment. He first kissed her on the lips and then kissed her neck, moving to her cleavage to retrieve the melting ice cream.

Calvin whispered. "Do you want to do this?"

"I do." She unbuttoned his shirt. As they went back to kissing, Zara leaned back on the sofa allowing Calvin on top of her. He was able to rub her thighs making his way to her ass and removing her panties.

He moved down to her feet and started sucking her toes, making her squirm. Next, he placed kisses on her ankles moving up her leg and inner thigh until he reached her midsection. Calvin first kissed her around her clit, teasing her.

Zara started moaning which turned him on. He started licking and sucking until she couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed a condom out of his pocket and slowly eased inside her.

She hadn't had sex since her last boyfriend at 19, so Calvin took his time.


Fatima and Zac woke up the next morning lying next to each other as well as Zara and Calvin.

"Zac, wake up." Fatima pushed on him.

"What?" He answered sluggishly.

"We need to talk."

"Can it wait another hour or so?"


Zac rolls over on his back. "Look you better be telling me you're dying or you're pregnant and I prefer the you're pregnant. What is it?"

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