Chapter 38: The Unexpected Cont.

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"I don't know anything about this Fatima. If this is who I think it is, I haven't talked to her or seen her since I left California."

"Yeah, that's been what, 2 1/2 years ago? This little boy looks to be about 2. If you add 9 months, it is a possibility that he could be yours. I mean he does resemble you."

"Well, he's not." Zac debated.

"Why would some chick DM me?"

"I don't know."

"That's cause you're probably still fucking her."

"Fatima, don't do that."

She starts to get upset and raises her voice. "Don't do what, Zachary Taylor, Jr?"

"First of all, don't raise your voice at me."


"Look if you don't calm down, I'm getting off this phone. You're getting yourself worked up for nothing." Zac said in his serious tone.

"I don't care, bye. It's always something with you. I've never brought trouble your way, but every time I turn around it's your daddy issues, your baby momma issues, fake pregnancies, football. The list goes on. Maybe I made a mistake getting back...Ugh Ooh!!!" She started screaming in pain.

"Fatima! Fatima! Are you okay? Should I call Madea or Andi?"

She tries to gather her breathing. "No, I'm fine." She wasn't, but she didn't want to worry Zac.

Zac texted Andi anyway. He knew how stubborn Fatima could be.

"I'm fine. It was just a little cramp."

"Well, you need to relax. Baby, I will handle this, I promise. I love you and I'm sorry that I keep bringing mess to your doorstep." He apologized.

Tears started falling from her eyes. "I gotta go."

"Ok. Andi is on her way over there. I asked her to come check on you."

"Bye. Zac."

"Fatima, I love you."

She didn't respond. She just hung up. About 30 minutes later Andi arrived.

Andi had a spare key, for emergencies, and because she spends the night over sometimes. She let herself in, just in case Fatima couldn't come to the door.

"Fatima!" Yelled Andi. She headed upstairs to her bedroom. "Knock, knock. Fatima!"

"Come in." She answered.

"Are you okay? Zac texted me and asked if I could come to check on you. Something about you was in pain."

"It's late you didn't have to come over."

"Well, I'm over here so talk to me Friend."

"I think I was just cramping. He probably made my blood pressure go up."

"Well, we can't have that."

Andi sits on the bed. "Do you want me to call your doctor?"

"No. I'm fine." Fatima pulled up the pictures.

"What the what? Is that Zac's baby?" Asked Andi.

"I don't know but I DM'd her back. I got questions and I want answers." Fatima announced. "A, I'm sitting here carrying this man's baby and engaged to him while another woman is claiming to have his child. I don't like this. I will break it all off in a heartbeat and raise this baby on my own before I let him or anyone else play me like a fool."

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