Chapter 42: Soon To Be

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It is 7:00 in the evening.

Zac arrived at his mom's and rang the doorbell.

A few minutes later his mother comes to the door.

"What's going on Zac? It's late. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah everyone is fine." He walked into the house. "What did you say to Fatima?"

Janet was confused. "We talked about a lot, so what are you talking about? Don't come barging into my house starting stuff."

"She's talking about postponing the wedding until after football is over."

"She asked me how it is being married to a pro athlete and I told her the truth. I also told her that you're unlike all the other men, your dad, or your brother. If she is second-guessing things, then it is your job to convince her otherwise. Boy get out of my house and fix it with your girl."

"Sorry, Ma." Zac starts to get a little emotional. "I just don't want to lose Fatima again. Ever since we got back together it's been one thing after another."

"You two are just being tested. It's going to be more of that once you say I do. Marriage is a fight. Each day you have to fight for each other." She goes to the kitchen to get a business card and hands it to her son. "You should talk to them. It's a husband and his wife, they are marriage counselors. They helped your father and I. Look at us now, we are more in love than we've ever been. You two should talk to them together and separately before you get married."

"Alright, I will." Zac kissed his mom and left. He went back over to Fatima's.

When he got there Fatima was in her bedroom watching Martin.

Zac went upstairs. "Can I sit next to you and watch?"

She nodded her head yes. When the commercial came on Zac decided to talk.

"So, do you want to get married?"

"I don't know. I mean I want to, but I don't want to deal with all the stuff that comes with it."

Zac sat in silence for a few minutes because he didn't know what to say.

He then proceeded to speak his mind. "So let me get this straight. Just that quick you're ready to give up. You just said a couple of months ago you were all in. Fatima, I didn't get back with you and proposed to you not to be with you."

"No one said anything about us not being together. I just said to wait a few years to get married. That way it wouldn't be any pressure to stay faithful.

"Fatima, do you hear yourself? We were apart for what 8-9 years. I had plenty of time and plenty of women, I don't need any more time or any more women, just you. If you're thinking about what my dad did, don't. I'm not him. My parents were together before, during, and after the football. They were married for 21 years. No excuse but he was probably tired of the same booty for all of their years."

"Really Zac?"

"What I'm saying is, because they were married for that long during the fame of his career it's easy to get tempted. Versus with us, I've been in the NFL for almost 10 years. As far as women, I've had all the fun I needed. Now I want to settle down with one girl for the rest of my life, have a family, and make each other happy. It's only 3 more years, it ain't about the fame, it's about the game." He pulled Fatima closer to him. "You're going to punish me for something my dad did? I am my own man. Besides, you know me I learn from others' mistakes and do not follow them. I'd be a fool to mess this up."

Zac got up and stripped down to his boxers, "You know what I'm done talking about this. It's like you're trying to sabotage this relationship. Either you trust me or you don't." He got in the bed and laid with his back to Fatima.


Friday morning Fatima was getting ready for the bridal brunch. Zac and Fatima hadn't spoken much in the last few days. He sent a bouquet to her office, and she sent a thank you text. With the upcoming wedding, they hadn't had much time to hang out.

Monday was the guy's tux fitting and haircut day. The bachelor party was on Wednesday night to Friday. Janet was in charge of everything all Mr. Taylor had to do was make sure he had his ring and tux and show up looking good.

Zac and Zoe took him to Vegas for his bachelor party. He invited a few of his guys; two of his former teammates, his cousin, and the twins.

They had a good time golfing, gambling at the casino, drinking, and hitting the strip clip.

The bride-to-be spent her last few days single by getting the last few things done for the wedding. She let Zachary have a bachelor getaway because he didn't get to have one the last time, but she just wanted something nice and classy with her and her girls.

The brunch was nice. They reserved the back room at this nice restaurant. All that showed up were Madea, Andi, Fatima, Zara, her sister Jade, best friend Gloria, and a few church folks. They played wedding games, opened gifts, and discussed marriage tips.

At the end of the evening, everyone left.

"Fatima, can I talk to you for a minute?" asked Janet.

Fatima stayed behind.

"I want to apologize for making you doubt marriage after what I said. I'm serious when I say Zac loves you and he's a really good guy. I'm not just saying it because he's my son because I'll tell you in a heartbeat that Zoe ain't ready for a committed relationship, especially not marriage. Zac on the other hand when he loves he loves hard, and I wouldn't want you two to miss out on each other again. I say take it and hold on to it because another woman would gladly take your spot."

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