Chapter 5: Family and Friends

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Fatima and Zac had been hitting it off for a few weeks now.

The strike went on for 3 games before the school took them seriously. They decided to let the coach go and hire an interim coach until they could find a permanent replacement.

Zac was excited because they could finally end the strike and get back to playing. As soon as he heard the good news, he wanted to tell Fatima. So, he ran to her dorm room. He knocked on the door.

"Hey Zac, I heard the good news," Andi said when she opened the door.

"Yep, thanks for your help. Hey, I came to see Fatima. Do you know where she is?" Zac asked.

Andi said disappointingly, "I'm sorry, she's not here. She didn't call you? She is headed back to Atlanta. She had an emergency."

"No, she didn't. Thanks, I will give her a call." Zac said and then went back to his room.

"Hello," Fatima answered.

"Hey, I heard you went to Atlanta. Is everything OK?

"It's my grandmother. She fell and broke her leg."

"Oh, wow! Is she okay?"

"Yes, but she's going to need surgery."

"Do you know when you're coming back?"

"No. I have to get in touch with my professors."


Two weeks later Fatima returned to campus. She wanted to stay until Madea completely healed, but she was against it.

"Hey T!" Said Andi. We missed you, girl. Your boy Zac been walking around here pouting, lol."

"I'll be back, let me go check on him." She walked to the other side of campus where the male dorms were. "Hey Preston, is Zac around?"

"He should be back in a few. His class just ended. You're welcome to chill out here until he comes."

"Ok, thanks." Fatima small talks with Preston for a few until Zac shows up.

As soon as he saw Fatima, he grabbed her and hugged her. "Babe, when did you get here?"

"About 15 minutes ago. I heard you were sad without me, so I had to come see for myself."

Preston bussed out laughing.

"Man, let me walk you back to your room, nosey people around here," Zac said looking back at Preston.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I would like to invite you to meet my folks."

"Wow, ok! Normally Madea would cook and host, but this year I don't think she will be able to do it."

"You can invite her too; I would love to meet her."

" Ok, just let me know for sure so I can ask Madea." Fatima said and Zac walks her back to her room.


Zac's parents hosted a Friendsgiving on that Tuesday, so that on the actual day of Thanksgiving the kids can spend time with their own families. They lived in Buckhead, which wasn't far from everyone who was from Atlanta. Everyone was invited, including Zac's boys Calvin and Preston. Even though Preston wasn't able to come, Andi, Fatima, Shari, and Madea showed up.

Fatima finally got to meet Zac's siblings.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girl, Fatima, and her grandmother, Madea."

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Janet and this is my husband, Zachary, Sr."

They hug and greet each other. "Fatima, you're just as pretty as Zac mentioned." Said Mrs. Janet. She takes the ladies to the kitchen.

A few minutes later Zara and Zoe showed up. They had gone to the store to get some last-minute things.

"This is my girlfriend, Fatima. Fatima this is my brother, Zoe, and my sister Zara."

"Ooh, your girlfriend!" Zara teased.

"I didn't know you had a twin Zac, nice to meet you Zoe, and you too Zara." Fatima greeted them.

"Believe me we are complete opposites. All we have in common is football and good looks, that he got from me by the way." Zac stated and Zoe punched him in the arm.

Once everyone arrived, they started eating. When they were done, the adults sat in the living room and the kids went into the TV room.

Zoe and Shari started vibing.

"What's going on over there?" asked Calvin.

Shari gets up and moves to another seat.

The kids started playing games and watching football.

Two hours later everyone left the Taylor household.

"Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Taylor for inviting us. The food was good." Fatima thanked them. "I will call you later Zac.

"OK, drive safe," Zac said. After they left Zac asked, "Ma, dad, what do you think?"

"Oh, Fatima is so sweet. I like her."

Zoe interrupted. "You act like you're about to marry her."

"Hush, Zoe." Zac got back at him.

Later, Fatima called Zac to let her know that they made it home.

"I want to thank you and your family for inviting me to your home for Thanksgiving."

"No problem. Do you know Zoe got Shari's number?" asked Zac.

"Oh wow! The two together will not be good. They both are big flirts."

"That's my bro but I wouldn't hook him up with any of my female friends, but that's on them."

"Yes, let's stay out of it." Said Fatima. Well, I am about to go to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow."

The two hang up and go to bed.

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