Chapter 14: Zac

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It has now been 2 years since Zac moved to Seattle. He has been doing great. He won two Super Bowl championships. His love life is better since he slowed down enough to find him a girlfriend. Once they made it exclusive, she moved in with him.

Tia is a cheerleader for the Hawks. She and Zac met at one of the championship parties. He finally found someone who understood his lifestyle and was okay with it. His lifestyle could include women always flaunting themselves on him, his woman coming second to football, dealing with the pressure he faces, not being able to spend a lot of time together, not being jealous, and having to always be in the limelight with little to no privacy. Well, at least that was their relationship in the beginning.


"Tia, baby can you pick up my laundry and get a gift for my mom's birthday?" Zac asked her politely. He gives her his credit card.

"Can I pick up something too?" She asked him.

"Sure, but don't spend more than $500.00 on everything."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She kissed him.

"We need to talk about your spending habits when I get back," Zac announced.

"What is it we need to talk about?" She was puzzled.

"I'm thinking about giving you an allowance."

"An allowance! What do you think I'm a child?" She growled.

"Nope, but you keep acting like that, and you won't get any money." He warned her.

One good thing Zac's father taught them was how to manage their money. In the 7-8 years he's been a pro, he has mostly managed his own money with the help of an accountant and financial advisor. Thus far he has been doing fine financially which means he's not about to mess it up. Tia spends about $20,000 a month on clothes, hair, and nails, and Zac doesn't like that. 

Two days later he returns from his trip. He finds his house a mess; dishes all over the kitchen, food and wine glasses in the living room.

"TIA!!!" Zac yelled. He knew she was home because her brand-new Audi R8 was in the garage and ever since he bought it, she never left home without it.

"Damn, I can't even come home in peace." He thought to himself.

He looks around the house for her. She was in the pool.

"Tia, I think it's time we talk. Go dry off, cover-up, and meet me in the den." He ordered.

She did as she was told.

Zac started the conversation. "I'm putting you on a $5,000 budget. That's for everything, clothes, hair, nails, gas, and food."

"$5,000? What am I supposed to do with that?" She challenged him.

He hands her a new credit card with the limit on it. By the way, Zac is very frugal with his money. He has very nice house, car, and nice clothes, but he doesn't go crazy.

"I don't know, and I don't care. It's not up for debate. And what you have been doing while I was gone?"

"I had a sleepover with some of the girls." She answered.

"Clean this house up, I'm going to take a nap."

Zac went upstairs while Tia cleaned the kitchen and living room. She then called her friend.

"Girl, do you know he put me on an allowance? We've been together for 2 years and this is how he treats me?" Tia said.

"Dang that's messed up. You ain't even got a ring or baby yet." Shari hinted.

"I know right."

"You better start working on it. When a nigga starts taking away your shopping money, he ain't playing with your ass." Shari jokes. "You best believe your time is limited."

Tia is nervous. She thinks about what if Zac left her. She would be left with nothing. Maybe he would let her keep her car, but with her $60,000 cheerleader salary, she wouldn't be able to afford the note.

The girls get off the phone and Tia decides to do something nice for Zac. She goes to the store and buys a few things. Then comes back home and gets to work. She cooks one of his favorite meals, Chicken Cordon Bleu with rice, string beans, and gravy. It's not his favorite, but the first time he tried it was when she cooked it for him and he pretended to love it. She bought sexy lingerie, and some wine and decorated the house with roses and music.

Zac woke up and decided to go downstairs to get something to drink when Tia surprised him.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry about earlier. I promise to make it up to you." She said tantalizing him. She exposed her lingerie from under her robe. "Come have a seat. I made your favorite."

"My favorite?" he asked confused.

"Chicken Cordon Bleu."

"Umm, sorry I have a therapy session in 30 minutes, and I have a meeting at 6 pm. My agent wants me to have dinner with an important client."

Zac was glad his agent just called him. He didn't want that cordon bleu mess that Tia cooked, but he didn't have the heart to tell her.

"Well, can you at least enjoy this lingerie I bought?"

"It's nice, but I don't have time right now. Maybe later tonight." He kisses her on the cheek and then goes back upstairs.

Tia is confused. He never turns her down.

Another thing Zac's dad taught him and his brother is to watch out for the gold diggers, groupies, and crazy women. He decided to meet with his therapist before dinner to clear his mind. He normally goes once a week but missed last week so he wanted to make up for it. Being an athlete or a public figure interferes with his social and personal life which can affect his mental. So weekly therapy visits keep him sane.

While in therapy he talks about his dad, mom, siblings, his relationships, football, finances, and his future. This time he discussed his relationship with Tia.

"Doc, I don't see a future with her. I mean she's a nice girl, but..." Zac pauses for a few minutes.

"But, what? Do you love her?" the therapist inquired.

"I guess. It's like she is all about my money and status."

"Has it always been that way?"

"No. In the beginning, it was different."

"Was it different, or because it was new you had your blinders on?"

"Doc, you're on to something." Zac disclosed. "Maybe, to answer your question. In the beginning, she had her cheerleading money, she would ask me for a few dollars here and there. As her man, I didn't mind it, I loved it. Then she moved in with me and she started spending more and more of my money."

"Have you thought about giving her an allowance or talking to her about her spending habits?" asked the therapist.

"I'm two steps ahead of you. I did both earlier this morning."

"Well, it's up to you. If you don't see a future with her then there is no need to waste each other's time."

"Thanks, Doc. I knew you had sound advice. See you next week."

Zac dapped hugged the therapist and then left for dinner.

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