Chapter 12: The One That Got Away

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Zac has been calling all around Atlanta asking about Fatima.

The only thing that he found out was that she was dating someone.

On the phone with Zoe. "Hey, bro. Man, why are you so worried about her? You're on the other side of the world. How ya'll gone date?"

"You're right." Zac agreed. "What's going on with the paternity test with her friend? Am I an uncle yet?"

"Naw man, she won't give me a test."

"That's wild, you should take her to court."

"I don't have time for all that. Besides I'm hoping it's not mine." Said Zoe.

"I feel ya. Ain't nobody ready to be no daddy." Zac disclosed.

"I bet you would with Fatima."

"Yeah... you're right." he agreed.

"Bro, I got to go. I'll hit you up later." Zoe said.

The brothers got off the phone.

Back in Atlanta

Shari visits Fatima.

"Hey girl, where is my nephew?" Fatima asked Shari.

"He's with my mom again."

"It seems like she's been coming around since she became a grandma."

"Gamma, get it right, lol. She does not want to be called grandma, but she has stepped up."

Shari's mom was not a very present mother during her childhood. Her career as a music producer kept her away from home and her child a lot. Now she is trying to make it up by being there for her grandson.

"What about the daddy?" Fatima questioned her.

"What about him?"

"Shari, he's 3.5 years old. He needs to have a relationship with his father, whoever he is."

"Look I did not come over here to be judged." Shari huffed.

"Well, what did you come here for then?"

"I need you to watch your nephew this weekend. My mom is going to the awards show, and I am going out of town."

"My bad," she said sarcastically. "May I ask where you are going, and with whom?" Fatima asked lightening her tone.

"My new boo, Hakeem. He plays Major League Baseball for the Braves."

Fatima just shakes her head. "So now you've moved to baseball players, huh?" She questioned.

"I can feel the judgment. So, are you watching him or not?"

"Yes, of course I will watch him."

"Thank you."

Shari hugs her and leaves the house.

Fatima calls Andi. "Hey, girl."

"Hey, what's up?"

"What are you doing this weekend?" Fatima asked.

"Jake and I have a date."

"Oh. I have to babysit my nephew. I was hoping we could hang out and babysit."

"Nope, Shari asked me, but I already had plans."

"Oh, so she asked you first?" Fatima felt some type of way.

"Girl, you know both of y'all come to me first for everything." Andi acknowledged.


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