Chapter 19: Everything Else

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In Seattle

Once he gets there he checks on his crib. He searched each room to see if anything was missing. All his valuables were in a large safe so nothing was stolen.

He then calls Tia to invite her over to talk.

She comes over and they discuss the pregnancy.

Zac wastes no time addressing the elephant in the room. "How are you pregnant? I mean I know how, but you were on birth control."

"Somehow I forgot to go to the doctor to get another Depo shot."

Confused, Zac asked. "Somehow?"

"Look I am just as shocked and confused as you are. This couldn't come at the worst timing."

"Tell me about it." Zac was so disappointed. "How far along are you?

"I don't know yet. I haven't made a doctor's appointment yet. I just started throwing up and feeling nauseated a few days after you left, so I took a pregnancy test."

"I'm going to need to see a test."

"Fine, I have an extra one if you need me to prove it."

"Please do."

She goes to the bathroom and then returns.

"Where is the test?" Zac wondered.

"Give it a minute and then we could check."

A few minutes later she returns with the positive results and hands it to Zac.

"Damn, what are we going to do? We just broke up and now this. " He asked."

He continued, "No matter what I want to be involved."

"Let's try getting back together." Tia thought.

"I don't know about all that. Let me process all of this. I'll call you tomorrow."

As soon as she leaves, he calls Fatima.

She answered. "Hey, big head! Is everything okay with your house?" 

"Yeah. So far, I haven't noticed anything taken. They said it was just some kids playing around."

"That's good. What's up?"

"I have to tell you something."

"O... Kay. What is it, Zac?"

"My ex is pregnant."

Fatima didn't say anything for several minutes.


"Congratulations. Um, I have to get ready to go. Talk to you some other time."

Fatima quickly hangs up and starts getting emotional.

Zac couldn't believe what he just had to do.

Fatima was hurting inside. Although she and Zac hadn't been together in a while, she always loved him. The last time they were together she thought they could have a future, all for it to quickly come crashing down.

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