Chapter 39: Mourning After

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Two days later

Fatima is headed back to work. On the go first day following the miscarriage, she stayed in bed all day in her emotions not eating, barely sleeping. The next day she got up, put on her heels, and drove down Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Got out of her BMW 2 series and walked into the office like nothing was wrong.

She refused to talk about it anymore. She wasn't mad, sad, or angry. She just wanted to let it go. Why keep harping on what happened? It's not like she created an emotional bond with the baby. That's how Fatima felt so she wanted to forget about it.

Andi spent the night and then went to work the next day after she made sure Fatima was good. Madea came by to check on her.  Andi also called Shari, but Shari swore she didn't know anything. She also wanted to come see about her former friend, but Andi told her that wouldn't be a good idea, at least not right now.

Zac on the other hand was trying to find a way to rearrange his schedule. With football season being over, Zac was working on other projects; Interviews, meetings, speaking events, etc. He canceled all his meetings and booked the first flight to Atlanta to be with his Fiancé.

He arrived in Atlanta around 10:00 p.m., Thursday. Since it was late he called Calvin to pick him up from the airport.

"Hey man, thanks for picking me up."

"No problem," Calvin responded.

"What's up with you and my sister?"

"We are good. Taking it slow. I mean you know your sister is a determined woman."

"Yeah, she is. She ain't gone let no one come between her and becoming a doctor."

"Honestly, I think I'm way out of her league."

Zac agreed. "Yeah. You are. But hey most of the men in Atlanta are."

"Then why did you approve of us being together?"

"I thought about it. You're the only nigga that knows my family and how we rock. You ain't about to do nothing stupid when it comes to Zara."

"You're right. I ain't trying to start no mess with you, your pops, or your brother."

Calvin dropped Zac off at his mom's house. The next day he and his mom spent a little time together until Fatima got off from work.

Fatima was at home when Zac showed up. He knocked on the door.

She normally checks her ring cam before answering the door, but she was in the middle of cooking and her phone was on the charger. She figured it was probably Andi. When she answered the door she was shocked to see Zac on the other side of it.


"Fatima! Can I come in?"

"Look, I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now. Can you please go?"

"Babe. Don't be like that?." He begged.

"I'm not being like anything. I just need space and time." She looked down at her ring, took it off, and handed it to Zac.

They both stood in silence for several minutes.

"Please?" She begged him to give her the space and time she needed.

"I'll be back." He turned around and left.

He sat in his car for about 30 minutes not knowing where to go and what to do.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" He grabbed the stirring wheel in anger.

He drove to Madea's house. He knew she could help him figure out what to do.

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