Chapter 27: Purging Season

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It has been 4 weeks since the girls' friendship ended. Each one of them has their way of dealing with what happened.


This has felt like a purging season for Fatima. She was getting rid of anything and everything that didn't serve her heart well.

She was still feeling sad about the breakup. At times when she saw a funny reel on Instagram, she thought about sending it to Shari like she normally would, but then realized they weren't friends anymore. She had to block her number just so she wouldn't call or text her by accident. Her appetite was all over the place. Whenever she felt like this all she wanted to do was eat ice cream and chocolate.

Not only was she dealing with her personal life, but her job was also stressing her out. She was having issues with her sexist boss. Ever since she completed her master's she requested a pay increase and a permanent position which he refuses to give her. She had been working at the clinic for a few years as a paid intern. The Clinical Director, who is a male, wasn't being fair. She has been contemplating if she should file a complaint or just look for another job.

It was Friday afternoon, and Fatima was at home after a long day at work. Her doorbell rang and she received another bouquet of red roses from Zac.

To Fatima,

Your beauty is undeniable. You love deeply. You command respect when entering a room, and you have the courage of a butterfly. But most of all remember that you are great no matter what.

Love Zac.

Fatima smiles. He knew exactly what she was going through. Zac had been sending her different types of flowers attached with a note each week for the past 2 months. They are really what she needed right now. She sends him a text saying thank you. They have been talking on the phone a few days a week. As she continued to text him, the door opened. It was Madea.

"Tima!" She yelled.

"I'm here, Ma! In the kitchen."

Madea heads to the kitchen.

"Brought you some groceries, it's a few more bags in the car."

Fatima goes to get them.

"Ma Dea, you didn't have to buy me any groceries."

"Yes, I did. I know you haven't been eating lately. I also made you a pan of lasagna."

"Thank you," Fatima said.

"No problem. I love you." Madea responded.

"Love you too."

"Who got you all these flowers?"


"That boy is in love with you."

"Anyway." Fatima wanted to change the subject. "Is that the only reason you stopped by?"

"Yeah, and to see how you've been."

"Well, thank you. I'm good."

"You need to get out of the house." Madea suggested.

"I don't feel like going out right now."

"It's okay to mourn your friendship with Shari but don't let her take your joy. You did nothing wrong. You still have Andi, me, your cousin, Marilyn (Madam), and that boy Zac."

"Yeah, I know. I just feel blah."

"Well, I'm having dinner Sunday at the house. Your Uncle and Aunt will be there, and Marilyn. I think Joe and Brian may come too. Just a little something to get everyone together. Oh, and invite Andi and her family." Madea said.

Fatima just nodes her head. She finishes talking with Madea. Once she left, Fatima texted Andi.


Andi took it the hardest. She had gone into a depression for about 1-2 weeks. She had taken 2 weeks off of work, didn't leave the house, or talk to anyone. Fatima did go and check on her, she said she was ok, but Fatima knew that wasn't the truth. She had called Jake so that he could keep an eye on her.

Fatima did invite her to come to Madea's. She declined, so she invited her parents.


Shari finally moved to LA to live with her mom. She told her that she needed help, so she let her stay with her and her man, Cory. It was not the life that Shari had dreamed of. It was like everything was falling apart in her life. The custody battle was still ongoing. She was hoping that when she moved the case would end, but it didn't. Now that it is proof that Shane is Zoe's that makes him the first-born Taylor grandchild. That means a lot to Zoe.

Even though she hasn't heard from Andi and Fatima, she thinks about them daily and misses them dearly. She knew it would be a long journey without her besties and a long time before they would forgive her. Right now, she couldn't think about that. Her main focus was Shane and getting back on her feet.

At Madea's House

Everyone ended up attending Sunday dinner, even Andi. It took a lot to get her out of the house. Her dad let her stay out of work for another week to get herself together. He even paid for her and Tima to go on a girls' vacation, which they haven't done yet. 

All the guests arrived for Sunday dinner.

"Aunt Madea it smells good in here. What you got cooking?" Asked Madam.

"Chile, get out my pots." Madea smacked Madam's hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I'm so glad you came." Madea greeted them. "Did you bring all the rug rats?"

The Barnes have five children; the oldest is Andi (30), Alex (25), Andre (21), Alicia (15), and Alexis (14).  Madea calls them the Brady Bunch. 

"Nope, just Alicia and Alexis." Said Mr. Barnes. "Oh, and Andi came."

Andre is away in college and Alex has his own family. He married his high school sweetheart last year and live in Atlanta.

Andi finally came into the kitchen to speak to Madea. Then Fatima came downstairs to say hi to everyone. She and Andi went back to Fatima's old room, where Madam was. They all talked until the food was ready.

At the table, Mr. Brown was being his typical self. He had everyone at the table laughing. Then him and Madea would go back and forth for a few minutes. This was the most fun Andi or Fatima has had in a while.

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