Chapter 33: Christmas in Seattle

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A few weeks have passed since the proposal. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Zac spent it in Seattle playing. While Fatima spent it with her friends and family, Madea, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Cora, Madam, and Andi. Well, Andi ended up going to three houses this year. Jake's, her parent's, and Madea's.

Zac just found out some inspiring news. He and his brother, Zoe will be playing against each other for the first time. They have always been competitive, but this takes football to a new level. When you get to play pro football against your twin brother the week before Christmas is a dream come true.

Right after Zac got the schedule, he couldn't wait to call Zoe.

"Zoe man. Have you seen the  schedule for December yet??

"I got it, but I barely looked at it. Why what's up?""

"Look at it, bro," Zac demanded.

Zoe was too busy playing the PlayStation game to look. "Give me a minute."

After his game, he went to look at his calendar.

"Shut the Fuck up! Man get out of here." Zoe shouted. The two men were so exhilarated.

"Man, we have to fly everybody out here," Zac stated.

"Pops too."

"Yeah Zoe, Pops too." Zac agreed. "Shoot we are good now. For real, for real."

"Alright." Zoe was pleased. "Man, I can't believe we'll be playing against each other, after almost 10 years in the NFL."

"This gone make me come out of retirement." Zac joked."

The boys hung up.

They were so excited they told everyone to clear their schedule because Christmas will be in Seattle.


December 18th

The whole crew came out to see the game. Between Zac and Zoe, they both bought tickets to the game for everyone to come out. Mr. Taylor, Ms. Taylor, and Zara all flew in on Saturday morning. Fatima arrived that evening and got a hotel in respect of his parents who will be staying at Zac's place. The guys, Preston and Calvin arrived Friday. Although Zac didn't invite Andi and Jake, Fatima did, so she could have someone to hang with while she was there. Once they arrived, Jake was able to stay in the Airbnb with Preston and Calvin.

The game is about to start in an hour. Fatima and Andi are getting ready.

"Oh my God, T, we have to hurry up. The guys are coming to pick us up in a few. Just wear the green hat." Andi advised.

Fatima was wearing a Seattle Seahawks blue and green Hoodie with Zac's name and jersey number in grey on the back. Then she wore blue denim ripped jeans and shoes to match. She was deciding if she should wear the green hat or the blue. She was #TeamZac. Zac's family of course had to cheer for both teams.

Ms. Janet had her friend make them sweatshirts. Her sweatshirt had Seattle colors on the front and Panthers on the back.

On the front

My first-born plays for the
Seattle Seahawks
Go, Zac!
#Twinboymom #Footballmom

On the back

My second-born plays for the
Carolina Panthers
Go, Zoe!
#Twinboymom #Footballmom

Mr. Taylor's shirt said.

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