Chapter 2: College Years

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September 2009

Everyone is in their freshman year of college.

The girls, Fatima, Shari, and Andi decided to attend The University of Alabama and become roommates. They requested the triple bed with a full bathroom and a walk-in closet. This type of room costs more, and they only had two at the campus. All they had to do was register early enough, fill out a room & board application, and make a huge deposit and the rest will be added to their tuition. Fatima is majoring in psychology and Andi wants to become a lawyer. Shari is majoring in theater arts to become an actor and do other extracurricular activities.

Also, Zac and Calvin attend The University of Alabama. Zac is majoring in engineering and playing football.

Zac has his first game as a wide receiver. His mom and dad came to see his game, along with his sister, Zara.

Zoe plays running back at Tennessee State University, so he was not able to see Zac's game.

This first quarter started, but Zac was on the bench.

"Man, why is he on the bench already?" Asked Mr. Taylor. "They better be saving the best for last so he can make that win." he continued to fuss.

"Can you not show off at Zac's first game?" Mrs. Janet asked, disappointed at how her husband was acting.

The second and third quarters ended and still Zac had not been in the game. His dad was getting heated. Finally, the coach put him in at the end of the fourth quarter, but they lost the game.

"Damn it! They would have won if they let my boy play. I need to talk to the coach." Said Mr. Z angrily.

Mrs. Janet stopped her husband from confronting the coach. "Babe, please don't embarrass Zac."

After the game is over the team heads into the locker room to discuss the game.

"Attention, attention! Team, can I get your attention!" Coach Reno tries to grab the team's attention. "I know we lost the game, but there are plenty of games left in the season."

"No disrespect Coach, but that's some bull. We are not kids that need to understand that it is okay to lose a game. I don't know what the rest of these guys are here for, but I'm here to win and to win only." Zac chimed in.

"Number 43, can you stay after, and we can talk?" Asked the coach.

After the team finished meeting, everyone left but Zac.

"Pittsburgh Quarterback Taylor's son," The coach called him.

"It's Zachary Taylor, Jr."

"Well. Zachary Taylor, if you want to play on my team then you are going to follow my rules." the coach said sarcastically.

"Yes sir," Zac said just to be respectful.

As soon as he left the locker room, he went to find his friends and family.

"Yo son what's up? Why do you look like you are about to kill somebody." His dad asked.

"Because I'm so sick of that coach. He keeps testing me."

"Zac," his mother rubs his back trying to comfort him, "Calm down son, let's go get something to eat."

Zac calms down and goes to talk to his boy. "Man, do you want me to handle him?" asked Cavin jokingly.

Mrs. Janet cuts her eyes at Calvin.

"I'm just playing, Mrs. J."

Ever since Calvin and Zac became friends, he spent a lot of time at the Taylor house. He has also tried to hook up with Zara, but the Taylor twins were not having it.

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