Chapter 36: Christmas

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It is 10:00 AM, Christmas Eve. Fatima finally gets up. She tossed and turned all night.

Zac had a game later today, so she wanted to talk to him before then.

She called him, but he didn't answer. Then she called Andi.

"Hey, girl, hey!!

"Hey Andi"

"What's up?" Did you take the test?"

"Yes. All three and they each were positive."

"Oh my God! My friend is having a baby!!" Andi was so excited.

"Don't get so happy. I have to get it confirmed by my doctor."

"I know, but I can't help it."

"Hold on, it's Zac. Andi let me call you back."

She clicked over.

"Hey, Zac."

"Hey, Tima. I was in a meeting when you called. I signed another contract. I decided not to retire."

"What!! I mean what made you change your mind? " Fatima tried to change her tone.

"After playing against Zoe the other day and the look on my Pops face. I mean my love for football and family was right there in one room. I need this, Fatima."

"I understand, but I wished you would have talked to me about it first."

"My bad I thought you would be happy for me. I know you never really wanted to be a traveling football wife, but it will only be for a little while." He tried to convince her.

"It's not that. What's a little while Zac? 1, 2, 3 years."

"Possibly 1 or 2." He thought.

Fatima was quiet.

"Ok, maybe 1. I had so much fun last week. I'm not ready to give it up. It's like something was missing in football and now I found what was missing." Zac exulted. "Sorry, I didn't mean to throw all that on you so early. What was it you wanted to say?"

"It was nothing. I just wanted to talk to you before I start my day. The Browns are having a Christmas dinner, and I was going to go to that." Fatima said. "Let me call Andi back and I will talk to you later."

"Alright, love you." Zac said.

"Love you too."

They got off the phone. Fatima didn't want to tell him yet. He has all these plans that she doesn't want to interfere with. She went into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast and then set in the living to watch TV.

Five minutes later Zac called.

"Hey, Zac."

"Fatima, are you ok? I don't like how we got off the phone."

"No. I'm good. I'm on the other line, I'll call you back." She lied.

Fatima went back to her show. An 1hr later the doorbell rang. It was Andi.

"What are you doing here, baby momma."

"I should be calling you baby momma." Andi said as she walked in. I just came to check on you.

"Well, I'm fine."

"What did Zac say?"

"I haven't told him yet. He has other things going on."


"What?! I will tell him before the day is over."

"If you say so," Andi said nonchalantly. "I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat in here?"

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