Chapter 15: It's Over

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After landing the deal with the client Zac couldn't wait to celebrate. He and his agent went out for some drinks. It was late when he got back home, and Tia was already upstairs.

"Hey babe. How was your meeting?" She could tell he was drunk.

"Why are you worried about it? We ain't gone be together too much longer," he admitted in a drunken state.

Shocked, Tia stated. "Zac you're drunk and you don't know what you're saying. Get out of those clothes and get in the shower. I'll give you a little something when you get out."

"Oh really? You gone let me taste it?" A tipsy Zac asked.

"We can do whatever you like." Tia teased.

Zac went into the shower, got out, and went into the room where Tia was lying on the bed naked.

He got in the bed and Tia started touching and kissing him, but Zac couldn't get up. Tia tried going down on him, but still nothing. After a while he just got frustrated.

"Just go to sleep. We'll try again in the morning." He spoke.

Zac and Tia have a great sex life. So, it puzzled both of them.

In the morning he went downstairs for breakfast. There was an awkward silence between the two.

Tia breaks the ice. "What was that about last night?"

"What do you mean?" Zac asked, not remembering all the events considering he was drunk.

"Um, you couldn't, um perform."


"We tried to have sex, but you couldn't."

Zac tried to replay it in his head.

Annoyed Tia said, "Look I'm going for a run."

"You, okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I just need a minute."

When Tia left, Zac called his therapist. Knowing he had to keep the conversation confidential, made talking to him easier. He gave Zac the okay to call him at any time. Dr. G is not just Zac's therapist, but also a mentor and friend.

"Hey Doc, sorry for the early morning call, but I need immediate advice, answers, etc. Are you busy?"

"No. I have a few minutes."

"Doc after I left your office yesterday. I went to a restaurant and signed up for a major project, then to the bar to celebrate. Long story short, I came home and tried to have sex with Tia, but I couldn't get it up. Help me Doc, what's going on? I've never had a problem there. Is something wrong with me? Am I getting old? I haven't turned 30 yet. Do I not like sex anymore? Am I sick?" Zac kept rambling on until Doc cut him off.

"Zac calm down. I'm not a medical doctor, so all I can do is give you my opinion from what I've observed lately."

"Oh gosh, what is it, Doc? You think I'm gay."

"It's normal to sometimes have erection issues. Erection problems can occur if you feel nervous, anxious, frustrated, or tired. You said you went to a bar. Were you drinking? Alcohol can be a part of it too."

"Yeah, I was a little drunk, but I've had alcohol other times before. "

"My guess is you could have been anxious or nervous about the dinner with the client or frustrated with your girl."

Zac thought for a minute.

Doc. G continued. "How about you think of a hot girl, besides Tia and see if you can get an erection? See what happens when play the last few days of events in your head. See if that changes your erection. Let me know how it goes."

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