Chapter 44: The Taylor's-Friend's & Family Vacation

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While walking on the beach, Zac grabs Fatima's hand.

"So, how do you like the trip so far?" Zac asked.

"Well, this is the first time we've had any alone time, but I'm enjoying it so far," Fatima responded.

Yesterday was their first day in Turks and Caicos. But after a long flight and other shenanigans, they didn't feel like doing anything but sleep all night.

"What did you think about the wedding?" Zac inquired. He was starting small talk to ease into the big conversation.

"Oh, it was so nice. Everything was lovely. Your mom looked beautiful. I'm so happy for your parents." Fatima responded. "Are you glad to have your parents back together?"

"It's really good to see them both happy again."

They continued the walk on the beach, holding hands, and just enjoying each other's company.

"What about you? Are you ready to get married now?" Zac asked afraid to hear the answer.

"Zac, do we have to talk about it right now? I mean we're here on a nice vacation. Why would you want to ruin it?" Fatima snapped.

"I wasn't trying to ruin anything. I was trying to see where your mind was, but that's fine." They continue to walk the beach in silence.

They arrive back at the suite.

Zac gets a text. "I'm going to the bar to get some drinks with Zoe and Calvin." He told Fatima.

Fatima lays on the bed just thinking. She then calls Andi. "Hey Girl!"

"Hey, T! What time is it over there?" Asked Andi. "And what are you doing calling me while you're on that beautiful island with that sexy boo thang of yours?"

"It's 1:00 pm, and Zac went to the bar with the guys."

"Y'all need to be trying to make me an Auntie," Andi said jokingly.

"If you only knew how the sleeping arrangements are."

"Girl, you better put a muzzle over your mouth and get to work. You should be pregnant a couple of times before returning to Atlanta." Andi added.

"Ha, you're funny. Besides Zac is upset with me right now. He wanted to talk about marriage, but I wasn't ready."

"Fatima, keep playing and you'll lose a good man. Zac has shown you time and time again that he loves you and he won't do anything to hurt you."

"What do y'all want me to do?" She said frustrated.

"Get off this phone and get your man before someone else does. Shoot it's probably a bunch of thirsty tail girls on that beach trying to get their hands on him as we speak."

Fatima stayed quiet for a moment and just rolled her eyes. "Look. I got to go."

"Wait Fatima," it was too late Fatima had already hung up. She wanted to tell her something.

Back at Andi's


"Who was that?" Asked Shari.


"Did you tell her about me?"

"No. She hung up before I could. I'll tell her when she gets back to Atlanta."

Andi and Shari have been hanging out for the past month, but Andi hasn't told Fatima yet. Before the friendship fallout happened, Andi loaned Shari $10,000 to help her get on her feet. Shari called her a month ago letting her know she had the money to pay her back. Since then, they have been hanging out, talking, and mending their friendship.

Back to Turks and Caicos

Zac decided to go back to the room. He entered the room but didn't see Fatima.

"Fatima! T!" He called out.

As he walked further into the room he heard the shower. He knocked and then walked in.

"Hey, Babe..." He started to say something to her.

"Would you like to join me?" She asked very seductively.

"Shucks." She didn't have to ask him twice. He got undressed so quickly.

He opened the shower door and got in. By this time the shower was already steamy. Fatima was feeling fresh, clean, and very much horny. She immediately pulled Zac closer, took his rag that was over the show rack and rubbed soap all over his body, and then let the water run all down his muscular back, then he turns around as the water runs down his chest and hardened penis. At that moment she was aroused and couldn't take it any longer. She grabbed his head pulling him into a deep passionate kiss.

"I want you to put that tongue all over my body. Lick me, kiss me, taste me." She whispered seductively.

Zac didn't hesitate. He went right to it.

The shower got steamier and the two had the best shower sex ever.

Once they got out. They finished in the bedroom and then cuddled next to each other.

"I'm sorry Zac for never thinking about your feelings. I promise we'll talk about whatever you want when we get back to the A. For tonight can you just hold me?"

"Pinky promise?" Asked Zac.

They both pinky promised. Zac kissed her forehead and then laid down pulling her close to him and they went straight to sleep.

After the nap they went jet skiing and zip lining with the rest of the family.


The next morning the group met at the Honeymoon suite for a brunch near the beach.

Mr. And Mrs. Taylor's suite is right off the beach with nice views.

Mrs. Taylor sent them all a text to be there by 11:00 am.

"Babe this setup looks very nice." Mr. Taylor complimented. "But you Mrs. J, look good. Can we go back and get a quickie before the kids get here?"

"Zachary! Later, not right now." She blushed.

"If we weren't already snipped, tied, and clipped you would be pregnant with baby number 4." Mr. Taylor joked.

"Eww! Don't nobody want to hear all that," Zoe said in disgust.

"Boy, how you think you got here?"

"I don't care. I don't want to hear it."

"Well, don't be listening to grown folks' business." His dad warned.

"Anyway, Good morning son. Good morning, Angie." She hugged both of them.

A few minutes later Zara and Calvin arrived and then Zac and Fatima.

"This is beautiful, Mrs. Taylor and you are glowing!" Fatima complimented her.

There was a nice spread with mimosas, fruits, omelets, chicken and waffles, and scrambled eggs.

Mrs. Janet speaks. "I want to thank you all for being here. This means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy this food and view. This is our last night here, so I know you guys want to do your own thing. That means you guys are free of us two old birds."

"Yes! No offense Ma and Pops, but I'm trying to have some alone time." Zoe said as he pointed his head towards his friend Angie hoping she didn't notice.

"Boy! Hush up!" Mr. Taylor advised him.

They all start eating, talking, laughing, and enjoying the moment.

After the brunch, they all went their separate ways.

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