Chapter 17: And We Meet Again

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Zac's last week in Atlanta, he had to work. He had a few Zoom meetings and met with a new client he wanted to do business with in Atlanta.

It was Sunday. He needed a suit and tie for his meeting on Monday, so he decided to go to the mall.

"Mom, I'm headed to the mall. Do you want to ride?"

"No, your Auntie is coming over. Here, drive my car instead of Uber." She offered.

"OK, thanks. I'll be back in a few."

He heads to the mall.


It's Sunday, Andi, and Shari went shopping for next weekend's all-white event. They were in the mall when they spotted Zac.

"Hey T, is that Zac?" Asked Andi.

Fatima quickly turns around to look.

Shari opened her big mouth. "Ooh, He is looking fine. Finer than he did in college. That football money show does do something for a man." Shari continued.

"Um, Shari hush. Can we go to another store? I don't see anything in this store that I want." Said Fatima.

"Yes, you do. Do you want me to call him over?"

"No," Fatima yelled. But before she could get it out good, Shari called his name.

"ZAC!!" Shari yelled across the store.

"We can't take her nowhere," Andi thought out loud.

"Tell me about it, she is always doing the most," Fatima mumbled.

As Zac was walking away from the checkout, he heard someone call his name. When he turned around, he saw a few familiar faces.

"Hey, Zac!" Shari waved towards his way and motioned for him to come over to where they were.

He walked over and Shari grabbed Fatima so she wouldn't run away.

"Hey Shari, Andi. He named the girls as he recognized them because Fatima's back was originally turned, he didn't recognize her. "Hey, Fatima!" He said with a little smile on his face.

She turned around and gazed at him.

"Zac!" She spoke.

"Ooh Andi, look at this purse." Shari pulls Andi away to leave them alone.

"How have you been doing?" He asked Fatima.

"Good. No complaints." She responded.

Zac and Fatima hadn't seen each other in about 8-9 years.

"Are you busy later this evening? Maybe I can take you out and we could catch up."

Fatima hesitates. Then they hear a voice around the corner.

It was Shari, of course. "She's available. Name the restaurant and I will make sure she is there."

"Shari. Could you please go somewhere?" Fatima became irritated.

"Yes. We can go out for dinner." Fatima agreed.

"Ok, no problem." Said Zac. They exchanged numbers and then went their separate ways.

"Tima got a date, Tima got a date...with Zac... with Zac!" Both Andi and Shari sang.

"Shar, do you always have to be on 10?" Fatima asked.

"I was just trying to help you out. Look, can we go to one more store before we leave?"

They agreed to go to another store and then head home.

Zac texted Fatima the time to meet. She had a couple of hours to get ready. Then he texted her again asking her did she wanted him to pick her up.

Fatima lives in a townhouse in Atlanta. She texted him her address and started to get dressed. An hour later Zac rings the doorbell.

"Wow, you still look just as beautiful as before,"  Zac said licking his lips.

"Thanks. You do too."

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." She locks the door and walks to his car.

They arrive at a Brazilian Steakhouse.

"I'm sorry, you're not vegan, are you?"

"Lol, no," Fatima responds.

"So do you give all the men you go on a date with your home address?" Zac asked trying to see something.

Fatima looked a little confused as to where this conversation was going. "No." She answered.

"I mean because you gave it to me so easily."

"It's not like you're a stranger. What it's been about 9 years. Oh never mind, you're practically a stranger." Fatima said jokingly.

"You still have that same sense of humor."

"I wasn't expecting to see you today. How long are you in town for?" She inquired.

"I go back Friday."

"What brought you here?"

"Mom's 50th birthday."

"Aww, that's nice. I know she was happy to see you."

"It was nice to see everyone, especially you." Zac expressed.

He gives her intense eye contact.

Fatima looks down and plays with her hands nervously. Then he changes the subject not wanting to make her too uncomfortable.

"So are you seeing anyone special?" He asked trying to pry.

"No. You?"

"Nope. I just broke it off with her a week ago."

"Oh, so it's still fresh."

Zac chuckles. "I guess."

"How is football going?" Fatima asked.

"This is my last season. I'm retiring."

"What? Football is your life."

"Yep. But it's not the same anymore. Something's missing." Zac implied.

"You know what you're going to do afterward?"

"Not exactly. Trying to see what God has next for me. I have a few things in the works though."

The two talked for hours catching up. The restaurant was about to close.

"Aww shoot, let me get you home," Zac said as he paid for the check. They get in the car and drive home. He walks her to the door.

"You take care." Zac said.

They stood awkwardly at the doorway.

"You too." Fatima hugged him and then turned to close the door when Zac grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a kiss.

Before you knew it, they made their way inside and shut the door.

"Aww shit," Fatima screamed in between pleasure.

Zac had her pinned against the wall while he was kissing her neck and caressing her breast.

Fatima hasn't had a man please her sexually in a few years. This is exactly what she needed to scratch her itch.

"Where's your bedroom?" He whispered.

"Upstairs on the right."

He picked her up and took her upstairs.

He laid her on the bed and started kissing her, placing wet passionate kisses on her neck and stomach and moving down to her middle.

After moments of pleasuring her, he removes his clothes.

She stopped him. "Do you have a condom?"

Zac paused. "No."

She gets up and goes into the bathroom. She returns with a condom.

He puts on the condom, and they continue to make love all night.

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