Chapter Thirty Two

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As someone who loved his sleep, Arthit was surprised at himself when his eyes opened way too early. Kong was still fast asleep next to him, snoring lightly. Arthit wanted to stay blissfully dreaming but his back had other problems. After showering and changing the sheets on the bed, both Kong and Arthit had fallen asleep in seconds without even putting on clothes. Luckily, Kong's body was a furnace next to him so he didn't get cold during the night but now his back was killing him.

Groaning, he slowly slipped out of bed. Of course, Kong's eyes began to blink open the moment he felt Arthit moving.

"Go back to sleep," Arthit mumbled. "It's too early."

"Not without you. Where are you going?" Kong asked. He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and what he was greeted with had his length started to grow. Arthit was stark naked, the light from the windows making his body glow. He was stretching lightly, moving in a way that showed off his size.

"I'm not going anywhere," Arthit mumbled. He turned to look at Kong and saw the heated way Kong was looking at him. "Don't even think about it, my back is killing me."

The heat dropped from Kong's face and he became concerned immediately. He hurried out of bed and stood in front of Arthit.

"Why didn't you say so before?"

"I wanted you to keep sleeping."

"No P. I topped. I have to do aftercare. I'm sorry I didn't do it last night I-"

"We were both tired Kong, it's okay."

"Lay back down P." Kong pulled Arthit to the bed and forced him to lay down. When he did, Kong went to the bathroom to get some supplies. When he returned, Arthit was still laying in the middle of the bed. Kong sat between his legs.

"Can I?" Kong asked, motioning between Arthit's legs.

Arthit nodded even though his face was bright red. He opened his legs wider and Kong carefully parted Arthit's bottom to look at his hole. Arthit winced. His entrance was red and swollen.

"Aw P, I'm sorry," Kong sighed, putting some ointment on his finger then applying it to Arthit's swollen flesh.

"I wasn't complaining, don't apologize," Arthit said.

Kong applied to appropriate amount of ointment and then turned Arthit around. With Arthit on his stomach, Kong rubbed massage oil in his hands and then massaged Arthit's lower back and hips.

"Hmmm," Arthit moaned. "Thanks baby."

"Of course my love."

Kongpob massaged him until he was fast asleep. Kong leaned down and kissed Arthit's cheek then laid next to him. Even though he was an early riser, he was still feeling so tired after all the energy he exerted so he easily fell back asleep next to his lover.

When he woke up again, Arthit was still sleeping and snuggling against him. Kong smiled and hugged his boyfriend tightly, kissing his cheeks.

"Buzz off, I'm still sleeping," Arthit groaned. "You wrecked my ass all night, I should get to sleep until 2pm."

Kong chuckled. "I'm sorry P," he said. "But it's almost ten. And I'm hungry. You need to eat too. And if I know you like I think you do, I know you're also hungry you just like to ignore it for sleep. But I won't let you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Arthit groaned. He opened his eyes and began to stretch.

"Is your back better?" Kong asked.

"Yes, much better. But I need to take the medicine so I don't get too achy again."

"And for that, we must eat."

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