Chapter Twenty-Nine

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As Arthit got ready for work the next morning, Kong was sitting in bed giving him sad puppy eyes.

"Why you looking at me like that?" Arthit chuckled.

"You said you and P'Earth are doing a factory tour. Can I come with you?" he questioned.

"Kong," Arthit sighed. He sat down on the bed next to Kong. "Is something the matter?"

"No, I just don't want to spend all day here thinking about my internships and if I'll be accepted or not," Kong pouted. "Why? Am I being too clingy by asking to come with you?"

"I don't mind if you come. But if you're being clingy because you're upset about something then I want us to fix the problem."

"I'm not upset P. Just looking forward to doing something besides moping here at home," Kong explained.

"Alright. Get ready we should leave soon."

While Kong changed, Arthit sent a message to Earth.

Arthit: Good morning P'Earth. My junior from university is interested in touring the factory. Is it alright if he comes with us?

Earth: Of course! If he is doing internships soon then this will be good experience so he knows what companies do. I'll meet you at the office.

Once the boys were dressed, they went downstairs where Kaiya already had breakfast waiting for them.

Kong stood in front of the kitchen window looking out at the backyard as he drank his coffee. Arthit went to stand next to him, leaning his shoulder against the wall and looking at Kong's profile.

"What are you thinking?" Arthit asked him.

"About last night," Kong replied.

"What about it?"

"We spend nights together all the time but this time felt different. I don't know why," Kong shrugged. "Makes me think."

"Think about what?"

Kong turned his head and looked at Arthit. "When can we move in together P?" Kong whispered. Arthit was stunned. This was the first time they ever brought up this topic. He's thought about it before but he didn't think they were nearly ready for that yet.

"Well, you're still in school Kongpob. We can't live together when you're studying. My job is too far from the school."

"What about when I graduate?"

"Don't you want to pursue a masters?"

"Yes but...P I'm ready to take more steps with you. Can't we?"

"Let's talk about moving in when we're at better places. At least until you graduate, okay?"

Kong nodded and Arthit didn't like the sad look on his face. He wrapped his arm around Kong's waist and pulled Kong into his body. Kong still looked straight ahead while Arthit rubbed his nose against Kong's neck.

"I just know that I can't wait until we are able to live together. I get to have you to myself all the time. Oh, the things I'll do with you." Arthit hummed and nipped at Kong's neck.

"You're an evil, evil man for getting me hard right before we need to leave," Kong whispered.

"I don't know what you mean," Arthit giggled. He placed a loud wet kiss on Kong's cheek and stepped away.

When Kong finished his coffee, he headed out first while Arthit sipped on his pink milk. When he was done, Kaiya took his glass and smiled at him.

"Mae," Arthit called out to her.

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