Chapter Ten

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Kong knew his boyfriend had to get back to his own condo to get to work and he was prepared to show a brave face to Arthit even though he would be sad his lover was leaving him especially after being in the hospital. However, after getting settled back in his dorm, Arthit took a shower then emerged wearing his sleep clothes. Kong didn't want to ruin the moment by saying anything so he kept quiet.

Arthit was the perfect caregiver, constantly checking on Kong, helping him to change position in bed, even wiping him down because he didn't have the energy for a shower. Just before going to sleep that night, Kong felt restless, the cream he had to rub down there feeling sticky and gooey against his skin. It felt as if he needed to shower and he knew that wasn't the case, but he couldn't help but to feel dirty.

"Kong stop," Arthit mumbled, throwing his arm around Kong's waist. Kong hadn't realized he'd been twitching and moving his legs constantly.

"I can't sleep," Kong whispered. "It's too uncomfortable down there."

Arthit reached for the lamp and switched it on. With swollen eyes from lack of sleep and pink cheeks, Arthit wordlessly pulled the sheets away then slowly pulled Kong's briefs down. When he looked, he realized there was too much cream and it was oozing down Kong's bottom. Knowing how clean his boyfriend was, he could imagine why Kong was uncomfortable.

"I'll be right back," he muttered, getting out of bed. He rubbed his eyes and went to fetch a warm wash cloth.

Kong was simply amazed, watching his boyfriend give up his precious sleep to help him. Though Arthit was blushing furiously, he didn't shy away from cleaning Kong properly.

"Does it hurt when I touch it?" Arthit asked.

"No, the cream numbs it," Kong replied.

Arthit nodded and continued to wipe. When he was done he looked up at Kong. "Feel better?"

"Yes," Kong whispered.

Arthit nodded again and went to dispose of the wash cloth. When he returned to bed he covered Kong with the sheets then cut off the light.

"Sleep Kong," Arthit ordered, pressing a kiss to Kong's cheek.

"Thanks P," Kong whispered.

Kong easily fell asleep once he was clean and he expected to wake up early as he normally did but when his eyes opened, it was well after 8am. He was startled when he saw Arthit sleeping next to him.

"P! P wake up!" Kong sat up and winced at moving too sharply. He shook Arthit. "You're going to be late for work P, it's already 8!"

Arthit opened his eyes slowly. "Stop Kong," he mumbled.

"But P, you have work," Kong complained.

"I'm working from here Kong. I already discussed with P'Danai. I'll work from here until Monday."

"Oh...but P...why?" Kong asked gently.

Arthit brushed Kong's bangs from his forehead. "So, I can take care of you Kong," Arthit replied softly.

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Hungry?" Arthit asked.

"Ah, yeah—I—yeah I am," Kong stumbled.

"Wanna freshen up first?"

"Yes," Kong replied.

Arthit helped his boyfriend out of the bed and they both went to the bathroom to freshen up together. After taking a shower, Arthit applied the cream to Kongpob then massaged his hips and back for ten minutes. While Kong rested after the massage, Arthit went out to buy their breakfast. He waited until Kong was eating his breakfast before he opened his laptop and began working and eating at the same time. For the first time, Kong got to witness his P in full work mode, reading over specs, calling clients, and even calling to speak with his boss. Kong was captivated in it all. He didn't think he would love seeing his P in work mode as much as he did.

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