Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I always knew your nong would upset my sister," Mild said to him when she approached him at the café at work while he was getting his pink milk.

"Excuse me?" Arthit asked. He'd been avoiding Mild entirely, he hadn't even confronted her about that picture because he didn't have the energy to deal with it. Not after what he and Kong went through. He even went so far as to avoid going outside for lunch so he didn't see her.

"She came back from the beach trip in tears. I asked her what happened and she just started crying and stormed off to her room. I didn't get her to talk to me until late Sunday night," Mild said. She rubbed her eyes, looking stressed.

"Well, what was wrong with her?" Arthit questioned. "I spoke with her Friday night she seemed fine."

"Apparently Kongpob rejected her. She got the courage to confess and he rejected her. She was saying she didn't understand why he would be taking care of her the entire time then when she admits her feelings, he rejects her!"

Arthit felt his eye twitch. He had warned Kong about that damn junior.

"When did that happen?" Arthit asked.

"After she got her gear. She tried to give it to him and he didn't take it."

Arthit gritted his teeth. Why didn't Kong tell him that he was confessed to?

"It was bad enough that he rejected her but she said for the entire weekend he ignored her and treated her like a stranger. She accepted the rejection and just wanted to have normal P and Nong relationship but Kongpob wouldn't give her the time of day. That's pretty messed up."

"Honestly, Mild, that doesn't sound like Kongpob. He doesn't treat juniors like that."

"Well, that's just what she told me. Can you just tell Kongpob to clear the air with her? I don't want her feeling the way she does."

"Fine, I'll talk with him."

She nodded and turned to leave, not trying to talk with him some more but Arthit had something to ask her.

"Mild, you know your sister told me that you think I won't date you because Kongpob doesn't like you," Arthit told her.

Mild slapped her forehead. "That kid," she groaned. "She told me it would be perfect that I date you and she date Kongpob but I told her you wouldn't do that because Kongpob doesn't like me but I wasn't saying it seriously! We both started laughing because I thought she understood it was a joke! I can't believe she would bring that up to you, I'm going to kill her!"

"But do you honestly think we should date?" Arthit asked her.

"NO! You have a girlfriend!"

"Then why did you post that photo on Instagram?"

"For Pon. He follows me and kept messaging me about us saying that we were faking and I guess I posted it to prove a point. Sorry I didn't ask but I knew you'd say no and I just wanted to deal with it quietly and move on."

"Your sister showed me that photo. Imagine if I was with my lover when she randomly started talking about it." In truth, Arthit was with his lover but luckily for him Kong didn't really have a chance to get on his ass about it.

"I'm sorry. I'll talk with my sister and delete the picture."

Arthit sighed. "If he's bothering you, just tell me Mild. I'll deal with him. Don't resort to pictures and petty shit like that okay?"

She smiled weakly at him. "Thanks. I'll talk with my sister. Talk with Kongpob and tell him not to be so mean with her. She's just an innocent girl that wants to be romantic with someone."

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