Chapter Twenty-One

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Kong felt soft lips all over his face and then a soft peck to his lips. He opened his eyes slowly to find his boyfriend lying next to him. Arthit kissed him again and Kong snuggled close, hiding his face in Arthit's chest. Arthit chuckled, his voice vibrating against Kong's cheek.

"My friends are here baby," Arthit said softly. "They're waiting outside. Didn't want to being them in until you were ready for company."

"I'll get up in a second," Kong mumbled.

Arthit pulled away, making Kong look up at him. "Just look at those swollen eyes," Arthit sighed.

"Sorry I cried like a baby. It's just—it felt like you were breaking up with me. And then for us to not be intimate anymore it's like saying you don't love me enough to want that connection with me anymore."

"I know it's a little jarring. Even me, I don't know how I'll deal with this and I'll try my best to still be diligent towards you Kong. And I do thank you for letting me do this and not leaving me. But if it gets too much, promise you'll say something. Promise you'll tell me when you've reached your limit and don't just leave me."

"I promise," Kong said.

Arhit gave him a dimpled smile.

"I'll go take a shower. Your friends can come in the room while I'm in the bathroom," Kong said.

"Alright," Arthit nodded. He kissed Kong one more time before getting out of the bed. He'd already cleaned up the mess they made from last night, clearing away the lube bottles so now he was just making the bed while Kong showered. Afterwards, he opened the blinds and then went to let his friends inside the room. He sat on the bed while Knott took the chair and Tootah and Bright sprawled out on the floor.

"Did you and Kong make up?" Bright asked, pointing to the hickey's and bite marks on Arthit's neck.

"You can say that," Arthit replied.

"That's good. When you two argue, it's hell for us," Bright said.

"Where is he?" Knott asked.

Arthit nodded towards the bathroom door. "Do you guys want anything to drink?"

"I'm good," Knott replied. Bright also agreed.

Arthit looked at Tootah and Tootah just looked away. Arthit rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"So, should we start this?" Knott questioned.

Before anyone could answer, the shower cut off. "P!" Kong called from inside the bathroom.

Arthit stood immediately and went to the bathroom. He peeked his head inside and saw Kong wrapping his waist with a towel.

"I forgot to bring clothes," Kong said.

Arthit nodded and closed the door. He picked out a pair of black trousers and a white t-shirt and some underwear before he went back into the bathroom. He closed himself inside with Kong and sighed deeply.

"Did you guys start talking?" Kong asked.

"No," Arthit sighed. "And its awkward as fuck. Tootah won't even look at me."

"Do you feel remorseful?" Kong questioned, pulling his boxer briefs over his soft length.

"I do. I accused you two of something bad. But it's not like my anger is misplaced. I just thought the wrong thing. But he seems to want to be the innocent one in all this and that's not the case."

"Everything was my fault P," Kong said. "I was already letting him look at my phone so it's not like he was being malicious about looking."

Arthit sighed. "That's not the point Kongpob," he said.

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