Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Where are you taking him?"

Kong rolled his eyes and looked at his mother who had been breathing down his neck since he told her about his date with Arthit.

"For dinner and a sip and paint event with live music. Arthit loves live music and painting will be fun," Kong told her.

"Ooh that sounds wonderful." Kaiya smiled then hit Kong on the back of the head. "Don't roll your eyes at me," she warned.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"How are you getting there?"

"My bike," he replied.

"Oh no absolutely not. You're not taking him on a nice date on that damn death trap. Take one of the cars. Tell him it's mine and I refused to let you leave on the bike," she said.

Kong nodded. "Thanks mae." Kong was dressed and ready to go when his mother barged into his room wanting details. Now that he wanted to leave, he was curious as to why she was still standing at the door twiddling her thumbs.

"Do you need something else mae?" he asked.

"Are you coming home tonight?" she questioned.

"I uh—I'm not sure. But I think Arthit will send me home."

"Why don't you convince him to let you stay?"

"Don't want to push him too hard mae. Besides, yesterday morning he kicked me out of his place. Now he's giving me the chance to take him on a date. I don't want to mess up."

"Well, I hope he let's you stay." She reached into the pocket of her apron and pulled out a small package. She threw it at Kong and Kong caught it before he knew what it was. When he looked down at it, he sighed hard.

"Seriously mae?" he asked, tossing the condoms on his dresser, not interested in taking them.

"Hey! Those are important. What if he wants to do it? You should be prepared."

"We have stuff at his place mae. We don't need that. And I don't want to talk about my sex life with you. I really don't."

She ignored him. "Was he your first?" she asked, leaning against the door. Knowing his mom just wanted to have a heart to heart, Kong gave in.

"Yes," he replied softly.

"Was it difficult? Traversing that kind of relationship but having no one to confide in?"

"A little. But P'Arthit is very supportive. We were both clueless but we found answers together and figured things out."

"And have you guys thought about the future? What about children? I know you've always wanted to be a father. What about Arthit?"

"We haven't talked about that. He knows I want to be a dad too but I think there are many possibilities for us. Adoption or invitro. But I don't think we're nowhere close to that. Arthit wants to work hard and get a good position in his company before anything else."

"That's understandable."

"Mae, when did you know that por was meant to be your husband?"

"It was years before your por even proposed. Before we even thought about children or our future. I just remembered he went on a business trip and I worried sick the entire time. Was he eating enough? Were his clothes pressed properly? Who was he going to get a home cooked meal from after a long day of work? What if he was upset, who was going to hold him until he felt better? What if there was some broad who got in his face? I wouldn't be there to smack the taste out of her mouth for talking to my man like she's crazy. Once I realized how much I worried and how much of my being that he occupied and I felt good about it, I knew that I wanted to be his wife. That I wanted nothing more but spending my life with him. Are you asking me this because you feel the same for Arthit?"

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