Chapter Six

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"I'm going to destroy you," Arthit pledged to his boyfriend the moment he woke with a terrible ache at his lower back and hickey's decorating his chest.

"But P. I already told you I wouldn't be able to control...and you feel so good without the condom," Kong groaned again, already feeling himself getting worked up.

"No! Hell, no Kong!" Arthit screeched, rushing out of bed so Kong didn't jump him. When he dashed into the bathroom he could hear Kong giggling.

He took his shower and a moment later Kong was behind him under the water. He didn't fight it this time, knowing Kong probably wouldn't listen. When Kong touched his hips, Arthit relaxed back into his touch and let Kong massage his back and hips and then clean him.

"If you want to cancel Wednesday then I'll understand," Kong told him.

"What you talking about cancel, huh?" Arthit asked. "I'm ready to top you and give you a taste of your own medicine."

Kong smiled and dropped kisses to the pale skin of his beloved. "I can't wait P," he said.

Since Kong had more time to get to the university than Arthit had to get to work, Kong volunteered to take Arthit to work on his bike. For that bike ride, Arthit had no problem wrapping his arms around Kong's waist and resting his head on Kong's shoulder, enjoying the ride and getting to rest his eyes until they arrived at his work. Thankfully, Kong was only wearing his black t-shirt and not his maroon jacket or it would have been obvious that a student was dripping him off and Arthit knew the questions would fly at him.

"I'll text you later P," Kong told Arthit when he dismounted the bike.

"Alright," Arthit replied.

Kong sighed, looking around the parking lot.

"What Kong?" Arthit asked.

"I just wish I could give you a goodbye kiss," Kong answered.

"We can't," Arthit said. "And you'll only make yourself more upset if you keep thinking of it."

"I know we can't. But like I told you before. I can't just turn off how I act around my boyfriend." Kong said.

"I'm sorry Kong," Arthit sighed.

"It's alright P. I better get going before traffic is bad. Later." Kong flashed him a smile before he took off. Though Kong's smile was warm, a kiss would have surely been better. Arthit just couldn't...not in public.

Arthit headed towards the entrance where he spotted Mild also walking up. She noticed him and waved, coming over to him.

"You should have called me P'Arthit, I would have picked you up," she said.

Arthit laughed at her. She clearly was clumsy with her words around people. "We never exchanged numbers Nong," he told her.

"Oh—I—you know what, I thought I was forgetting something," she chuckled nervously.

Arthit pulled out his phone and showed her his code on line. She scanned it and friended him easily.

"See, now I can contact you," he smiled.

"If you need rides in the morning, I can pick you up, and take you home," she offered.

Arthit wouldn't mind the ride at all, that would save him some trouble but he didn't feel comfortable accepting. It felt too much like a real relationship.

"I uh—I'm not sure Mild," Arthit replied honestly.

"Why not?" she asked, blinking those innocent brown eyes at him.

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