Chapter Seven

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The next morning Mild picked him up on time, smiling brightly at him as he entered the car.

"You look much better this morning," she greeted, handing him a cup of pink milk.

Arthit hesitated as he looked at the cup. " didn't have to get that for me. I'm your senior, I should be buying you refreshments," Arthit said. He felt slightly uncomfortable, not sure how to take someone else besides Kong buying him pink milk, since he and Kong have been together. However, when Knot or Tootah used to buy him pink milk, he didn't think twice about it. This was the same, right?

"You can treat me next time," Mild said, pulling off from the curb and easing into traffic.

Arthit made no comment. Instead, he sipped at his drink then he pulled out his phone and took a picture of the cup of pink milk.

Arthit: Good Morning Kong. Arthit sent Kong a text along with the photo of his pink milk. That would let Kong know that even if he was feeling tired or stressed out, the sugary drink would help him feel better.

My Moon: Have a good day P. 😘. Freshy games are coming up. Finally, a break from hazing before capture the flag. I'm trying not to show how excited I am to not have to be the Head Hazer for a week.

Arthit: Use this time to relax Kong. Did you pick out the campus moon?

My Moon: Yes. There's this cute little first year who's very diligent, generous and friendly. He makes a lot of the other shy juniors feel comfortable, especially with hazing. All the hazers felt it was appropriate to choose him.

Arthit: What's so cute about him, huh?!

My Moon: Out of all that I said, that's the only thing you pick up on 😂

Arthit: You must not love your ass Kong.

My Moon: I'm only teasing! I'll stop, I'll stop! Don't be so mean P.

Kong understood the threat well, and if Arthit was pushed hard enough; Kong would end up not being able to walk for a day or two. He didn't want to push Arthit's button's further.

Arthit: Good. I'll text you after work. This time, I'll come to your room. Don't buy dinner for us, I'll pick something up on my way to you.

My Moon: Okay P. 😘

As she drove, Mild noticed how Arthit was texting rapidly, a subtle smile on his face as he chatted with his lover. She knew it must have been his lover because that was the only time she witnessed him smiling like that.

"We're here," Mild announced, parking in the lot. Arthit looked up from his phone, realizing he hadn't paid attention to the drive at all.

"That was fast," he smiled. "Thanks, Mild again for picking me up. Oh, and after work you don't have to wait for me," he told her.

"Why not?" she asked.

"I'm not going home after work," he supplied.

They got out of the car and headed to the front of the building.

"Where are you going?" she asked, trying to pry.

"I have a date," he said.

"Well, well, well," she teased him. "A date in the middle of the week, that's interesting. Just don't do anything crazy P'Arthit, you've still got work tomorrow."

"What do you mean crazy, huh? It's just a date," Arthit shrugged.

"You may have others fooled to think you're gentle and innocent, but I know what guys like you do after dates," she accused.

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