Chapter Three

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Soft lips brushed against the tanned neck of a sleeping boy. Slowly, that boy came awake, his eyes blinking slowly.

"P?" Kong groggily called to his boyfriend who was kissing his neck lazily.

"Wake up Kong, you've been asleep for some time," Arthit replied, his voice rough as if he'd just woken up too.

"What did you expect after all that you did to me?" Kong giggled.

"You started it first," Arthit chuckled. He pressed his body into Kong, letting Kong feel just how awoken he was.

"Come on Kong, wake up," he whispered. "Let's have sex."

"But P—P we never got any lube," Kong protested when he felt Arthit's hands slide down his stomach and hooking onto the waistband of his underwear to pull the material down.

"While you were asleep I went to the store and got some." Arthit explained. He pulled Kong's underwear down and wrapped his fingers around Kong's growing erection.

"If we don't start now, I won't have enough time, Kong," Arthit whispered, nibbling at his neck. Kong's body tensed and Arthit could feel Kong's erection starting to soften.

"What—what do you mean?" Kong asked tentatively.

"The guys want to meet up at Bright's bar. Since I have been neglecting them I figured I'd go and I got good sleep today so I'm not that tired. But I also know we haven't been together for a while and I want to make sure I do my diligence to you before I leave," Arthit explained.

Kong shoved his boyfriend away so he could sit up and look at the pale beauty.

"Seriously?" Kong asked.

"What?" Arthit looked confused. "Are you mad that I'm trying to make love to you? Or that I'm going to hang out with my friends?"

"Do you want to have sex because you want me or because it's your duty?" Kong asked.

Arthit scoffed. "I know you're going to complain if I go hang out with my friends and not fuck you after we haven't fucked for a month,." Arthit knew those were the wrong words but he couldn't help his slight irritation. Why was there always a problem between him and Kong? Why wasn't it like how it used to be? Now, they fought over every little thing.

Kong hurried out from the bed, quick to grab his jeans and shirt. "I'm not as selfish as you think, P," Kong snapped. "I understand that I'm not the only one that loves you. I understand that you have other people who care about you and want to spend time with you. All you had to do was tell me your friends wanted to see you. You didn't have to try and fuck me to appease me! To make me not complain about who you spent your time with. We—we had all morning together, P. I mean, I got to pleasure you, you pleasured me and we slept in each other's arms. I couldn't ask for anything else from my boyfriend whom I know is tired beyond measure. Don't you think I want you to also go out and have fun with your friends? And I'm sorry you think I'm such a high maintenance brat that I need a good fucking to not complain and nag you."

"Kong wait—I don't—"

"Just stop," Kong cut him off. "I'm tired of hearing that you have a temper and you don't mean the words you say. Enough is enough P. Clearly you must be feeling that way if you're able to say it. Your anger just makes it so it's easy for you to say without holding back."

Kong snatched his wallet from the nightstand. "Come make love to me when it's not a chore and it's not an appeasement so I don't bicker at you P'Arthit. Stay safe tonight." Kong rolled his eyes and left the room. Arthit was just frozen in the bedroom, listening to the front door open and then slam shut.

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